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Aerial shot of river flowing through Highway 2, following June 2018 storm

WPR: Northern Wisconsin Project Seeks To ‘Slow The Flow’ Of Stormwater

Local, State, Federal Partners Aim To Reduce Flood Peaks, Erosion In Northern Wisconsin

  Northern Wisconsin has dealt with three floods in the last six years that caused millions of dollars in damage resulting in federal disaster declarations. The region is seeing more frequent, intense rainfalls. For the last several years, local, state and federal partners have been trying to find ways to…

Pine marten

WPR: Scientists Seek To Solve Marten Mystery On The Apostle Islands

Erik Olson, associate professor of natural resources

Spotting the American marten in Wisconsin is no easy task. So, it’s no surprise that park officials at the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore initially doubted what they were seeing when visitors shared photos of the mammal that’s endangered in the state. “In 2010, this photo was taken and it was…

Snapping turtle

Researchers find heavy metals in Michigan turtles


A recent study published in Environmental Monitoring and Assessments finds turtles are getting doses of heavy metals such as lead and copper. Matt Cooper is one of the co-authors of this study. He’s a research scientist at Northland College in Ashland, Wisconsin. Cooper joined us on Stateside to talk about…

Sigurd Olson Articles

Some of these articles were published in 1951 in North Country Magazine. Sigurd also wrote a couple of hundred short sketches for newspapers; he wrote a few between 1937 and 1939, but most were from 1940 to 1943, and were syndicated to a number of newspapers, mostly in the Midwest….