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Searched for: forest stewardship adventure program 2
Northland student portaging canoe

Outdoor Education

…Bound and NOLS, lead expeditions, direct summer camps, and run outdoor programs at schools, universities, cities, and military bases. course list Outdoor Program Management Adding to the core of outdoor education theory and practice, this emphasis will help you think about marketing, business plans, financing, and staffing. Graduates become sustainable…

Aerial shot of campus and surrounding region

Northland receives $1 million for grad programs

Northland College in Ashland, Wis., recently received $1 million from the Mary Livingston Griggs and Mary Griggs Burke Foundation to establish a graduate degree program. The gift is intended to fund all facets of development until the program can support itself. The College is currently working with a consultant to…

Students stand with award

Northland College education program recognized

…national conference in Tampa, Florida. This national award recognizes the community collaboration between Northland College and Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College in Hayward, Wisconsin, and their work to advance the Future Indian Teachers Program through advancement and extension of the Training Exceptional Educators Clinical Residency Program. This partnership directly…

Forest Lodge Educational Campus Takes Shape

In 1999, Mary Griggs Burke conveyed her family’s Forest Lodge estate to the USDA Forest Service via the Trust for Public Lands. Situated on 872 forested acres along the southern shore of Lake Namekagon east of Cable, Wisconsin, the estate includes fifteen log buildings that are listed on the National…

Red canoe on a lake

Keep Wilderness Act's Flame Burning Bright

…by visionary Minnesotans. In an era when extraction of forest resources was the dominant paradigm, Arthur Carhart, a U.S. Forest Service employee working in Minnesota’s Superior National Forest, challenged this view. His 1921 recreation plan recognized an area called the Boundary Waters could become, in time, “as priceless as Yellowstone…

Cameron Jaeger ’23 and Liam Jansen ’23 canoeing through the ravine on campus as Bay City Creek is high with snow melt.

[CANCELLED] Wolf River Intermediate Whitewater Paddling Adventure

April 22, 2024April 26, 2024

This event has been cancelled. Outdoor Pursuits has partnered with Lost Creek Adventures to offer an extended adventure trip over spring break! Join us on the Wolf River with top-notch whitewater instructor Greg Weiss, who will lead and instruct you over the course of five days on the Wolf River….

Northland College Professor Tom Fitz holds up a slide containing asbestos.


…is exactly what you get in the geology program at Northland. The faculty love getting out in the field with students, and when they can’t go out, they bring the field into the classroom through maps, rock samples, slides, and stories. You’ll learn how the Earth works and how society…

Study Abroad

Off-campus Study

Whatever your interest, you can deepen and expand your education by studying off campus. This includes intensive, in-depth courses during May term, a semester at an EcoLeague school, or special courses at a partner organization. There is something right for you. Travel grants and scholarships are available. Learn more. Pay…

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