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Searched for: wolf workshops

Timber Wolf Alliance Speakers Bureau

At the start of the Timber Wolf Alliance, 1987, only 18 wolves were estimated to live in Wisconsin and fewer in Upper Michigan. That year, the Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute began the Timber Wolf Alliance assisting twenty-one organizations and many private individuals interested in promoting wolf recovery in Wisconsin and…

wolf laying down

Learn About Wolves

This section is a great place to begin learning all about wolves. Information in this section will start with the basics of wolves around the world and carry you through more advanced publications.

WI TWA Adult Presentation updated Jan 2022

…farms in the 30 counties hosting wolf packs. About 70,000 farms in WI & 23,000 farms in the 30 counties with most wolf packs. The Gray Wolf Presenter Notes Presentation Notes The species in our area are usually to referred to as the Timber Wolf or grey wolf. In our…

Glacier National Park

Keynote Rolf Peterson: Wolves and America's National Parks

…parks have maintained wolf populations that experience a minimum of human impacts,” he said. “Much of what we know today about wolf-prey interaction and trophic cascades, both major areas of ecology, has come from science in national parks.” Peterson had a primary role in the Isle Royale wolf-moose study for…

Gary Ferguson

Wolf Awareness Week Focuses on Yellowstone Wolves

Sigurd F. Olson Nature Writing Award to be presented In honor of the twentieth anniversary of the Yellowstone Wolf Reintroduction project, the Timber Wolf Alliance at Northland College is bringing Yellowstone’s lead biologist Doug Smith and award-winning author Gary Ferguson, pictured above, as the keynote speakers for Wolf Awareness Week….

FinalGreat Lakes Science for Parks Symposium 2023 Booklet

…aki (The world is changing) 13:15 Break 13:25 Managing changing ecosystems -Kira Hefty – RAD Decisions in Rad Landscapes: Introducing the Isle Royale Case Study -Mark Romanski – Status of Isle Royale National Park Wolf Reintroductions -Kayla Preisler – Impacts on Outdoor Recreation in Wisconsin 14:25 Break 14:35 Rare Species…

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