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Searched for: stewards of tomorrow island adventures
Great lakes Initiative Madeline Island Ferry Dock

Great Lakes Islands Summit, Madeline Island Fellowship Project

More than seventy representatives from twelve Great Lakes islands attended a summit in September on Beaver Island, off the coast of Michigan, to talk about the Great Lakes Island Initiative. The mission of this emerging organization is to support a coalition of Islands dedicated to forming a better understanding of…

Kids at Stockton

Better than Xbox: the Apostle Island School

Sixty middle school students participated last summer in the Northland College Apostle Island School, held on Stockton Island. The twenty-eight-year-old outdoor and environmental residential program is a partnership between the Northland College Outdoor Education Department and the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore with participating middle school teachers and parent volunteers. The…

Black bear on a trail cam

The Hidden Lives of Island Carnivores

Insights into Island Biogeography

…the islands examined. They appeared to prefer bigger islands that were closer to other islands. Gray wolves, however, were only found on Stockton Island, one of the biggest islands of the archipelago. These differences may have to do with the animals’ diets and habits, Olson said. Bears tend to be…

Northland Bird Netting

Olson Receives Funding for Wildlife Surveys on Madeline Island

…compared to similar projects going on in the Apostle Islands as well as the mainland of the Bayfield Peninsula. “It will allow us to look at how island size, island distance, and habitat of islands influence the wildlife composition and abundance,” Olson said. “We really haven’t looked to see what…

SONWA Winners 2017

Honeybees and a trailblazing scientist top the 2017 SONWA book awards

…1- 5. My wounded Island introduces the effect of climate change on Sarichef a small island near the Arctic Circle. The Inupiat people who inhabit the island have moved their small wooden homes to the center of the island because of rising sea levels. Imarvaluk, a young girl on the…

Lake Superior near Madeline Island

Researchers Monitoring Wildlife On Madeline Island


Researchers in northern Wisconsin have placed 25 trail cameras on Madeline Island to gather a better picture of the diversity of wildlife on Lake Superior’s Apostle Islands. “We kept looking to Madeline Island with this big question mark,” said Erik Olson, leader of the Wild Madeline research project and natural…

Isle Royale

Isle Royale Wolves, Another Perspective

…Service superintendent has a different opinion. Tim spoke at the Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute in January as part of SOEI’s Stewardship Speaker Series, this year focused on the National Park Service. His talk was titled “Island Rules: Impact of the Big Lake and Time on Isle Royale Mammals.” Cochrane argued…

Students hiking on York.

7 Things to Do When You Visit Campus

…Get on the Water Campus is located blocks from Lake Superior, the largest freshwater lake in the world, and also close to the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, which consists of twenty-one islands and miles of shoreline at the northern tip of Wisconsin. You can explore the shoreline or the islands…

Northland Bird Netting

ADP: NC conservation project selected to receive grant

Island Wilderness Preserve as well as the Big Bay State Park lands on Madeline Island. “We will be looking at camera trap images to determined which species are present on the island and how abundant those species are. The primary purpose of this is to collect data.” To read full…