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Searched for: soccer camp
Northland College women's soccer game.

Youth Soccer Camp [Ages 10–14]

July 22, 2024July 23, 2024

Led by Northland College soccer staff, we will focus on skill development in a fun and competitive environment. This camp is open to youth ages 10–14. This camp will meet 6:00–7:30 p.m. each day. Please reach out to Head Men’s Soccer Coach Lee Dennis if you have any questions about…

Northland College summer soccer camp

Youth Soccer Camp [Ages 5–9]

July 26, 2024July 27, 2024

Led by Northland College soccer staff, we will focus on skill development in a fun and competitive environment. This camp is open to youth ages 5–9. This camp will meet 5–7 p.m. on Friday, July 26, and 10 a.m.–12 p.m. on Saturday, July 27. Please reach out to Head Men’s…

Northland College student with journal

296 miles on the Superior Hiking Trail

Jane Dahlgren Hikes Solo for May Term

…Duluth, pop. 86,000, a seaport city on Lake Superior. Duluth posed a problem, regarding camping since there is forty-mile section without camping. Dahlgren had planned to stealth camp—waiting until it got dark to set up her tent in a park somewhere. But then she decided to call Russell and his…

Northland student playing lacrosse.

Tribal Lacrosse

Q&A with Cassie Brown Major: outdoor education. Summer plans: Running a couple of Northland’s summer camps and leading backpacking and kayaking trips for a Girl Scout camp in Michigan. After that: Teaching Ojibwe language in Bayfield. Q. How did you get interested in lacrosse? A. I became interested in lacrosse…

Northland College Athletics Ashland Ford Youth Camps

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 14, 2023 Contact: Dawn Rivard Northland College 715-682-1812 Northland College Athletics to Offer Youth Sports Camps Skill-building camps are sponsored by Ashland Ford Chrysler. ASHLAND, Wis. — Northland College’s Athletics Department will host several upcoming sport camps for youth in elementary and middle school. Camps…

Northland College campus

Resident Behavior

The primary responsibility for behavior rests with the individual resident. Consideration and tolerance of others is a minimum requirement in on-campus housing settings. Fines may be assessed and/or disciplinary actions may be taken against individuals who do not follow campus and residential building policies.