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Searched for: paleoclimatology lecture with cait livsey

Stroud Selected to Give Last Lecture

…and in 2007 Professor Randy Pausch delivered the most famous last lecture at Carnegie Mellen University. “His lecture became a best-selling book and YouTube sensation because of the passion and humility Pausch expressed in what was, indeed, his last lecture,” Saetre said. “Pausch was afflicted with cancer and would soon…

Chaplain David Saetre at podium

“Nature Boy” Saetre Called Back for Encore

…it is the final lecture graduating seniors will hear at Northland College and it’s theoretically the last lecture the speaker would give knowing it may be his last. “However, my lecture is meant to be a postscript to a Northland education and also to a career of teaching about the…

Northland College alum and artist Cait Irwin

Cait Irwin: Artist

…experience still resonates with who I am now. Currently, I am in the fourth year of operation as owner of Irwin Artworks LLC. My company showcases my artwork, ranging from large murals to sculpture, most often reflecting the wonders of the natural world. To see Cait’s work:  …

Dave Ullman stands on Wheeler Bridge

The Last Lecture—“To Anthropocene or Not?” with Dr. Dave Ullman

May 23, 4:00 pm5:00 pm

Commencement activities will kick off with the Last Lecture presented by Dr. Dave Ullman, associate professor of geoscience. The Last Lecture is hosted by the Northland College Student Association (NCSA). This event will also be livestreamed. The livestream feed will start shortly before the event begins. You can visit the…

2024 Summer Lecture Series at Forest Lodge—A Conversation with Dr. Wendy Makoons Geniusz

August 9, 6:00 pm7:00 pm

…Spinster Books, and Apostle Island Booksellers. Savanna Basina, Red Cliff Indigenous arts and science coordinator, will be partnering with Britton Doolittle of Chequamegon Books to lead a study of Dr. Wendy Makoons Geniusz’s books in the weeks leading up to this lecture in August. Registration for this lecture has closed….

Northland College Diploma


*Updated May 23, 2019* Commencement will be held in Ponzio Stadium. Join us for the 108th Commencement ceremony and Baccalaureate service: Saturday, May 25, 2019. The Commencement ceremony will be held in Ponzio Stadium. Or, in case of inclement weather, the ceremony will be held in the Chapple Family Gymnasium….

George Washington of Virginia presides over the Federal Convention of 1787 as delegates sign the U.S. Constitution at Independence Hall in Philadelphia. A number of the delegates, like Washington, either served in the Continental Congress or fought the British during the American Revolution.

Constitution Day Talk

September 18, 2023, 1:00 pm2:20 pm

As part of the class HIS 325: Nature and Nation, Professor Erica Hannickel will give a lecture on the early national naturalist William Bartram, his connections to the founding fathers, and how some of his observations of the Creek and Cherokee people and their government styles in the southeastern United…

2024 Summer Lecture Series at Forest Lodge—Intro to Embodied Ancestral Healing

July 19, 6:00 pm7:00 pm

…healing into our lived experiences and relationships. We will offer ways to hold histories filled with grief and disconnection and invite inspiration about what might open us to healing and justice with and through our ancestral lines. This lecture is sponsored by Tamarack Health. Registration for this lecture has closed….