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Searched for: julie buckles
WritersRead artwork

Writers to Share Their Encounters on Stage

With Northland Students, Staff, Faculty, and Alumni

…Theater, 17 writers will read their original poems and stories (fiction and non-fiction) aloud. This year readers take us with them as they meet animals, celebrities, lovers and even their deeper selves. Writers Read started as a collaboration between Washburn’s Julie Buckles, author of Paddling to Winter, and artist Ros…

Deer exclosure-Bayfield County

Wisconsin’s Disappearing Forest

Prof Sarah Johnson researches the botanical realities of deer browse

…who have come before are still legible, and our actions—or inactions —will be interpreted and judged as well: “Future generations of conservationists will be building narratives around our influence on these forests.” Julie Buckles is the director of communications at Northland College. This article was written on a freelance contract…

wrnc mic

WritersRead to Air on WPR Feb. 29 & Mar 7

Wisconsin Public Radio will broadcast selections of people’s stories on the theme of transformation. The sixth annual “Writers Read” event was coordinated by writer Julie Buckles at Northland College in partnership with WPR and Aqueous Magazine. Writers from the Chequamegon Bay area and Twin Ports read fiction, non-fiction and poetry….

Northland College student Gretchen Hamernik-Winters dogsledding as part of internship.

Working with Animals

…got behind the sled. First, with one dog, then two, and then she ran three dogs in the six-mile family run at the Apostle Islands Sled Dog Race in February—and had the winning time. “She showed an incredible amount of needed confidence, bravery, and skill,” said kennel owner Julie Buckles,…

Northland College student holding phone.

The Woman Behind the Screen

…interned as a photographer at the Minnesota Zoo in the summer of 2015. She submitted internship photos to a Northland College Instagram campaign asking students about their summer experiences and caught the eye of Julie Buckles, director of communications. “She had a fun, spirited voice, she took great photographs, and…

Northland alumni director Jackie Moore holds up photo of Ida and Cabbie Meyer at the Stagecoach Inn, formerly Cabbie's.

Ex-watering hole owner leaves $200,000 to Northland College

…had no children. Northland College received word of the gift in a fax from Rider last month. Northland spokeswoman Julie Buckles said a scholarship fund is planned in honor of the Meyers. A social media appeal will encourage alumni to make a donation to the fund that’s at least the…

Gut Instinct logo

WPR: WritersRead 2018

Wisconsin Public Radio broadcasts the 8th Annual “Writers Read: Gut Instinct.” The program features original works of fiction, non-fiction, twitterature and poetry from writers living in northern Wisconsin and the Twin Ports. The event was coordinated by Julie Buckles and Northland College in partnership with WPR. Writers from the Chequamegon…