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Northland College teaching students talk with Washburn fifth graders

For Lucas, Elementary Ed Provides Pathway to Greater Good

Harrison LucasĀ '17

Harrison Lucas ’17 Major: Elementary Education with a focus on Social Studies Q. Why elementary education? How did you get on this path? A. Well, my dad is a teacher and so, I saw how he influences a lot of kids’ lives back home where I come from and I…

Sigurd Olson Articles

Some of these articles were published in 1951 in North Country Magazine. Sigurd also wrote a couple of hundred short sketches for newspapers; he wrote a few between 1937 and 1939, but most were from 1940 to 1943, and were syndicated to a number of newspapers, mostly in the Midwest….

Education Major Danon Briggs


You know your favorite teachers, the ones who made a difference? If you’re reading this, we’re guessing that you want to become one of those teachers. Whether you want to teach elementary or high school students, Northland College can help get you there. We offer certification in Elementary/Middle Education and…

Liz White in cap and gown

Liz White: Student Commencement Address

Liz White’s quiet strength has not gone unnoticed. As a sophomore, she was selected by her peers to serve on the board of trustees. Since then she has served as president of the Northland College Student Association, was awarded the Student Life Indelible Mark Award “for her thoughtful leadership and…

Northland College Professor Tom Fitz holds up a slide containing asbestos.


To understand the Earth you need to study its minerals, rocks, soils, and landscapes in many different settings. You have to study it at all scales too, from vast landscapes to microscopic soil particles. You have to interact with it through hands-on experiences in labs and on field trips. That…

Immerse Yourselves

New-Student Convocation Address 2016 By Alan Brew, associate professor of English It is wonderful to be here with you this afternoon, under a tent, old friends and new, just a short walk from the largest body of fresh water in the world. I’m going to begin today by sharing parts…

Outdoor Orientation gear

10 Things You Need to Know for Outdoor Orientation

Outdoor Orientation is a classic Northland College experience. Almost every student who walks through the Ponzio Student Center has gone hiking, biking, canoeing, or exploring in the Wisconsin north woods at the beginning of their Northland career. While we can wax prophetic about the friendships made, shooting stars seen, and…

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