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Searched for: collage night and climate discussion
Sunset at Forest Lodge

Changing Climate, Changing Culture

Student-Led Conference at Forest Lodge

Learning that ninety-seven percent of scientists agree that climate change is real and human-caused, inspired recent Northland College graduate Anya Janssen ’16 and senior Michaela Fisher to educate their peers in ways to be the solution, not simply the cause, to climate change. After meeting at the Citizen Climate Lobby…

Lake Superior and beach

Geologic Perspectives on Climate Change

…geologic setting for the refreshing artesian-well water that I sip from my water bottle. The field of geology provides a unique perspective on climate change. Rocks, sediments (i.e. really small rocks) and ice (i.e. melt-able “rocks”) tell stories about past climate conditions on earth. There have been cold times and

Dr. Patz.

Patz to report on Paris Climate Change Conference

climate change, including actions to protect human health. Patz would go on to organize the first climate change and health briefing for then-EPA Administrator Carol Browner. He was a lead author for the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for 15 years and contributed to winning the Nobel Peace Prize…

Northland College starry night

Climate Science

…can create several feet of snowfall here, while thirty miles away it’s blue skies and fifteen degrees warmer. Understanding the influence of our location on the atmosphere will improve weather forecasts and simulated scenarios of climate change. You will have the opportunity to work one-on-one with faculty, using computer models…

Northland College alum Jenn Wood

Wood Crusades for Climate Policy

Jenn Wood ’00 Focuses on Energy Conservation

…the other co-authors of the plan and associated groups to educate, engage, and bring awareness to the ways in which Vermonters need to step forward on climate initiatives.   She volunteers for The Climate Reality Project, whose chairman is former Vice President Al Gore, the Climate Reality Leadership Program, of…

Glass of beer sitting next to Cabbie's Tap logo.

Ten-cent Taps, Lasting Romance & Ida's Special Sauce

…on the jukebox. Every time I hear that song I think of Northland, Cabbie’s, and the good times we all had there. I do recall that it was “nickel night” on Monday nights. Five-cents for an eight-ounce glass of Blatz. I still have two eight-ounce Blatz glasses that I borrowed…