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Searched for: careers in business memorial medical center presentation
Two students in front of power point

A Winning Business Idea

…participants to focus on technological breakthroughs and novel approaches to business. DiLillo and Hoszko’s winning business idea zeroed in on a niche of late night foods made from locally-sourced ingredients from the Chequamegon Bay region and Wisconsin, creating a restaurant business from the ground up. Hailing from Ontario, Hoszko wanted…

Photo taken above Capitol Square in Madison, Wisconsin, with the State Capitol and Lake Mendota in view

Election Day Van Shuttles

November 5, 2024

…Location Meet by the Alvord Theatre at least 5–10 minutes ahead of departure time. You can wait inside the Ponzio Campus Center near the exit by the Alvord Theatre or wait outside the Ponzio Campus Center by that same exit. Schedule There will be roughly 3–5 minutes of grace time…

Northland College goalie blocks puck

Meet the Next Sustainable Entrepreneur

…always been interested in the business sides of things,” DiLillo said. “I want to own my own business someday.” This entrepreneurial spirit runs in his family. His father, Salvator, owned his own business as a young man and is currently the superintendent of one of the largest natural gas distributors…


…Northland College Academic ProgramsLawrence University Ripon College St Norbert UW-Steven’s Point Warren Wilson Art Art Art-Studio Art Art Art Art Biology Biology Biology Biology Biology Biology Business Management Business & Entrepreneurship Business Management Business Administration Business Administration Business Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Climate Change Studies* Climate Science Ecological Restoration*…

Northland College alum Abby Rose and her sister Yana Dee at Yana Dee Ethical Apparel

Thread of Hope

Making Fashion Ecological, Sustainable, and Just

…sisters have embraced a slow foods kind-of sustainable business model where little is wasted, the emphasis is on quality and comfort so the clothing lasts longer, local people are employed to sew and paid a living wage, and impact to the Earth is minimized in every business decision. “Fast fashion…

Tulips outside of Ponzio Campus Center

2018 Honors Day Awards Recipients

Alpha Chi National Honor Society Inductees Maxwell Beal Jason Bricco Lorrie Guski Kira Immordino Jane Kittaka Jessica Schultz Tess Stephens Camille Thelander Emerson Ziehr Achievement Awards Bethel Sophomore Award Taylor Wittman Arthur J. Ingold Jr. – Julia R. Gilman Junior Award Jenise Swartley Wallace C. Hitchcock Memorial Award Jane Dahlgren…

4th grade teacher alumna

Graduate Success

…ultimately change the world for the better. Northland College has been the launching point for scientists, educators, business owners, and dedicated professionals in almost every field imaginable. Our liberal arts curriculum, with its progressive focus on the environment and sustainability, gives you the tools, confidence, and vision to be competitive…