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Northland College students display chocolate hazelnut spread.

Business Management

You will have the opportunity to pursue two very different fields within business—business management and sustainable entrepreneurship. Both majors share a core of courses that provide you with a foundational understanding of economics, finance, management, marketing, and social responsibility. Business Management major In short, this major will prepare you for…

Two students in front of power point

A Winning Business Idea

…participants to focus on technological breakthroughs and novel approaches to business. DiLillo and Hoszko’s winning business idea zeroed in on a niche of late night foods made from locally-sourced ingredients from the Chequamegon Bay region and Wisconsin, creating a restaurant business from the ground up. Hailing from Ontario, Hoszko wanted…

Northland College goalie blocks puck

Meet the Next Sustainable Entrepreneur

…always been interested in the business sides of things,” DiLillo said. “I want to own my own business someday.” This entrepreneurial spirit runs in his family. His father, Salvator, owned his own business as a young man and is currently the superintendent of one of the largest natural gas distributors…


…Northland College Academic ProgramsLawrence University Ripon College St Norbert UW-Steven’s Point Warren Wilson Art Art Art-Studio Art Art Art Art Biology Biology Biology Biology Biology Biology Business Management Business & Entrepreneurship Business Management Business Administration Business Administration Business Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Climate Change Studies* Climate Science Ecological Restoration*…

Northland College Food Systems Manager Todd Rothe

Todd Rothe ’10 Says Farmers Need a Plan

…task is tracking your numbers—knowing where you are gaining and losing financially. A business plan forces you to map everything out, from identifying market potential to planning crops, to profit margins. It serves as the map for your journey to build a new business enterprise. I wrote a business plan…

Wolf in winter with the Great Lakes Wolf Symposium logo

Great Lakes Wolf Symposium

In 2018, the Midwest Wolf Stewards meeting will not be held so attendees will participate in the International Wolf Symposium October 12-14. Learn more at the IWS Symposium website. Take a look at the 2017 presentations….

Northland College alum Abby Rose and her sister Yana Dee at Yana Dee Ethical Apparel

Thread of Hope

Making Fashion Ecological, Sustainable, and Just

…sisters have embraced a slow foods kind-of sustainable business model where little is wasted, the emphasis is on quality and comfort so the clothing lasts longer, local people are employed to sew and paid a living wage, and impact to the Earth is minimized in every business decision. “Fast fashion…

MI TWA Adult Presentation_Roell Edits

…Chemically immobilize and monitor vitals while collaring and assessing the animals health Presenter Notes Presentation Notes Wolves are live captured and radio collared, in spring and summer. Radio collared wolves are monitored year-round by satellite/GPS collars, where data is sent to the DNR. Population Monitoring Observation Reporting Presenter Notes Presentation

WI TWA Adult Presentation updated Jan 2022

…wolves live in all the of the grey area? (allow times for answers). On the left there is a map of current estimated wolf range. (end of presentation is an image for MI, if needed). Coyotes Presenter Notes Presentation Notes Many times coyotes and wolves are mistaken for one another….

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