Journal Entries Singing Wilderness
By Adrian Wydeven, TWA Coordinator Isle Royale National Park wolves are doing poorly. This year only two highly inbred wolves inhabit the wilderness island in Lake Superior. To determine what should be done, the National Park Service (NPS) has developed a draft environmental impact statement (EIS) and recently collected comments…
…Sea Grant project will be useful to fishery managers, engineers, researchers and city planners. The next steps are to build draft models based on the data collected and to analyze the species found in the plankton tows the team conducted this summer. Lehr hopes to have an understanding of all…
…to call for a “tap” rather than a the more familiar term for East Coasters of “draft.”) And one needed only be eighteen years of age to purchase some. The State of Wisconsin allowed for the establishment of “beer bars” in those days, where being eighteen allowed you to be…
Sigurd Olson (1899-1982) was acknowledged during his lifetime as a leader of the American environmental movement, an emblematic figure for a generation of activists. As a writer, teacher, and activist who was a harbinger of the raising of America’s ecological consciousness, Olson’s history, writings, and This content was curated by…