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…May 108 16 Sociology and Social Justice Psychology Junior (58 – 89 credits) 2025-26 May 67 19 Natural Resources: Conserv & Restoration of Ecosys Geology Senior (90 + credits) 2023-24 May 107 17 Natural Resources- Forestry Freshman (0 – 26 credits) 2026-27 May 15 16 Business Management Pre-Law 2023-24 Winter…

Wolf laying down

Wolf Status Reports

Every one to three years (depending on region) state and federal agencies survey and monitor gray wolf populations. These reports summarize the best available information on the status of gray wolves in specific regions in the United States.

A student carries a large bag of their belongings in front of a residence hall on move-in day, and their parent is pushing a wheeled suitcase

What to Pack

We can’t wait to welcome you to campus. Know the steps to get you here. Housing & Meal Plan Housing assignments will be sent to your campus email throughout the summer. Know the different housing and meal plan options. Complete the Housing Survey Complete the Housing and Meal Plan Agreement…

Northland College Dexter Library Interior

Library Services

This is the place where you can dig in and get your hands dirty. Use the forms below to access interlibrary loan, library instruction, course reserves, research consultations, room reservations, and faculty material requests….


…95.2% 128 122 95.3% School Psychologist 106 105 99.1% 107 107 100% Social Studies: Content Knowledge 60 52 86.7% 63 53 84.1% Speech-Language Pathology 130 127 97.7% 131 129 98.5% Technology Education 8 * * 8 * * Theatre 1 * * 1 * * *Results suppressed for tests with…


Great Lakes Wolf Symposium Abstracts October 15-17th, 2024 Northland College Ashland, WI 1 Movement Ecology of Gray Wolves in the Western Great Lakes Region Alejandra Zubiria Perez, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA, Shannon M. Barber-Meyer – Research Department, Pacific Whale Foundation, Wailuku, HI,…