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Searched for: 2022 04 14
Wolf laying down

Wolf Status Reports

Every one to three years (depending on region) state and federal agencies survey and monitor gray wolf populations. These reports summarize the best available information on the status of gray wolves in specific regions in the United States.

A photo of North Carolina Poet Laureate Jaki Shelton Green

North Carolina Poet Laureate Jaki Shelton Green

January 15, 9:00 am10:00 am

2022 by Flutronix and the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. She serves as the poetry editor for WALTER Magazine and holds an appointment as the Poet Laureate in Residence at the North Carolina Museum of Art. Additionally, she has been recognized on the Forbes Magazine 50 Over 50 Lifestyle List for 2022….

SONWA winning books

SONWA Winners 1991-Present

Nature Books for Adults and Children

Sigurd F. Olson Nature Writing Award Winners • 1991. Open Spaces, Jim Dale Vickery. Sigurd F. Olson Nature Writing Award (SONWA) gave its inaugural award to Minnesota author Jim Dale Vickery for Open Spaces , a book that takes the reader to the unpopulated spaces in North America. Vickery, who…

FinalGreat Lakes Science for Parks Symposium 2023 Booklet

…aki (The world is changing) 13:15 Break 13:25 Managing changing ecosystems -Kira Hefty – RAD Decisions in Rad Landscapes: Introducing the Isle Royale Case Study -Mark Romanski – Status of Isle Royale National Park Wolf Reintroductions -Kayla Preisler – Impacts on Outdoor Recreation in Wisconsin 14:25 Break 14:35 Rare Species…