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Image of Flooding Globe and Mail

What did we learn from 2017’s floods in Quebec and Ontario?

Inside the politics of water

…the first of hundreds that would follow from enraged, flooded property owners—particularly Americans whose waterfront Lake Ontario properties were underwater or eroding away with every windblown wave. Many demanded the floodgates be open even though entire neighbourhoods downstream in Canada were underwater, discounting the fact every centimetre of water level…

Great Lakes map

Buffalo News Editorial: Battle is brewing

BY PETER ANNIN, Special to The Buffalo News In 1990, the small town of Lowell, Ind., made Great Lakes water history by proposing to divert 1 million gallons of water per day outside the Great Lakes watershed. Under the rules at the time, any water diversion proposal required the approval…

Great Lakes

Stateside Radio: Peter Annin on Pleasant Prairie

Why this 2010 approval of a multi-million gallon Great Lakes water diversion is drawing new scrutiny

When Peter Annin, director of the Burke Center for Freshwater Innovation at Northland College, was completing research for an updated version of his book The Great Lakes Water Wars, he discovered a detail about Great Lakes water diversions that had gone unnoticed for eight years. According to his findings, the…

Great Lakes

Foxconn finds way to stick 7 million-gallon straw into Lake Michigan

Peter Annin says proposed diversion could be vulnerable to a legal challenge.

…for Lake Michigan water is the latest test of the decade-old Great Lakes Compact, an agreement among the region’s states intended to make it almost impossible to direct water outside the natural basin of the Great Lakes unless it is added to certain products, such as beer and soft drinks….

7 Recommended Reads for World Water Day

…inefficiencies that are sucking the nation dry. 5. The World’s Water, Peter Gleick (Volume 8, 2014) This is a biennial volume, chronicling global water tensions stretching back centuries. I referred to this a lot when I was writing The Great Lakes Water Wars. 6. Water Follies: Groundwater Pumping and the…

Aquatics class electrofishing in stream

Water Science

Water is the fundamental resource for life. As it flows through the environment it connects ecosystems to the Earth and connects us to each other and the world around us. Its beauty inspires awe and the Lake Superior region is one of the most amazing water environments anywhere.

Foxconn logo

MichRadio: Foxconn wants to divert 5.8 million gallons of Lake Michigan water a day

Is that legal? Peter Annin Answers

…5.8 million gallons of water a day diverted from Lake Michigan for operations. Peter Annin is the co-director of the Northland College Mary Griggs Burke Center for Freshwater Innovation in Wisconsin and author of “The Great Lake Water Wars.” He spoke with Stateside on the impacts this diversion will have…

Madeline Island, Wisconsin Areal View

Wisconsin Still at Center of Water Battles

Ten Years After the Passage of the Great Lakes Compact

With the Great Lakes Compact celebrating its 10th anniversary this week, protections designed to fend off large-scale water diversions have never been stronger, experts said Tuesday at Marquette University Law School. But they also said future water needs are likely to place serious demands in the decades to come on…


Northern Wisconsin wants drinking water oversight

…is safe to drink and protect drinking water sources from pollution. The vast majority (83.9 percent) of respondents also say the public sector should be responsible for guaranteeing access to safe drinking water regardless of someone’s ability to pay. This is well-aligned with strong opinions of water as a human…

Great Lakes

Wis. Lets Village Go to Town on Great Lakes Water

Peter Annin uncovered documents about the expanded Pleasant Prairie diversion in reporting for second edition of The Great Lakes Water Wars.

…Milwaukee. “Southeast Wisconsin is growing, and you can’t keep growing without water,” said Peter Annin, director of a Northland College water center, who uncovered documents about the expanded Pleasant Prairie diversion while researching a new edition of his book The Great Lakes Water Wars. “People are surprised about the lack…