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Searched for: annual giving and major gifts officer
Northland College students display chocolate hazelnut spread.

Business Management

You will have the opportunity to pursue two very different fields within business—business management and sustainable entrepreneurship. Both majors share a core of courses that provide you with a foundational understanding of economics, finance, management, marketing, and social responsibility. Business Management major In short, this major will prepare you for…

Education Major Danon Briggs


…of children and adolescents. We also give you an environmental background that so many schools are looking for today. In fact, over ninety-five percent of our education majors from the last five years are employed in the K-12 field. Join classmates and committed faculty who will get to know you…

Student holding turtle


As part of the biology major, you should plan on packing a pair of hiking boots and a lab coat. You’ll be in the field studying the habits of charismatic critters like wolves, and in the laboratory analyzing things you can’t see like genetic material. Small classroom sizes and hands-on…

Northland College students survey city

Sustainable Community Development

Whether you aspire to be an activist, planner, or advocate, the sustainable community development (SCD) program presents you with the toolbox to create effective community change. Our SCD major is one of the first of its kind in the nation. Through an interdisciplinary approach we examine the three pillars of…

Chemistry student in the lab


Expect to go way beyond the periodic table with this major. You will get a broad scientific background that provides a solid foundation in chemistry, math, and physics. You will also get into the lab. You will be encouraged to take part in student-faculty collaborative research or to pursue an…

Gaining Relevant Industry Experience: Virtual Alumni Panel

December 7, 2023, 2:30 pm3:30 pm

majors) Elizabeth Kahn ’13, entrepreneur with Elizabeth Kahn Consulting LLC & Personal Wellness Coaching (Sustainable community development major, business management and environmental studies minors) Evan Flom ’14, campaign communications manager at the National Young Farmers Coalition (Sustainable community development major) Joe Andrashie ’92, Accountant, Northland College (Business administration major) More…


Safety and Security

…Securitas and is located on the second floor of Mead Hall. Services include: Provides 24 hour walking escort service Provides campus-wide security services Responds to all on-campus emergencies Documents incidents and communicates appropriately to pertinent departments Important Contacts Emergency Dispatch: 911 Campus Safety: (715) 682-1399, Duty Officer: (715) 209-6971…

Loon flying over a lake

Get Involved

Since 1978, LoonWatch’s Annual Lakes Monitoring Program has engaged an active volunteer network of Loon Rangers as its primary tool to collect critical long-term data on loons in northern Wisconsin. Working as population monitors and environmental educators, these volunteers have been the field force that has provided SOEI and WI…

Careers in Business: Virtual Alumni Panel

October 3, 2023, 11:00 am12:00 pm

…Arts Council board president Volunteer with various community and school initiatives in Park Falls and Butternut, Wisconsin APA associate member SHRM member Heather Shelly ’10 Current Title: Director—Financial Aid Current Employer: Georgia Southern University Responsibilities: Financial aid director and compliance officer assisting a student population of just over 26,000 spanning…