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Searched for: wisconsin love gathering premiere


…the spring, just as the ice comes off,” he said. “But Chlorophyll a is also interesting in comparing algae growth between the three lakes, especially because Jackson and Garden are so much shallower with more available nutrients than Namekagon.” Wisconsin has 14,000 inland lakes, but remarkably, only a handful feature…

YACEA 2022

…including initiative, integrity and service to others. The review committee will also be looking for demonstration of a commitment to civic engagement through building relationships throughout the community and working toward positive change. The scholarship is funded by former Wisconsin Congressman David R. Obey, who served central and northern Wisconsin

Native American Museum

The Native American Museum was established with the goal of expressing the history, language, arts, and culture of the Ojibwe people and indigenous people from around the world for the educational benefit of community members and visitors to the Chequamegon Bay area, Located on the first floor of Mead Hall,…