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Searched for: wilderness medical associates wilderness first responder course 23
Northland College alum Jason Luthy on a climb

Empowering Communities, Individuals

Outdoor Ed Alum Started Longleaf Wilderness Medicine

After Hurricane Katrina, the medical director of the Alabama Outward Bound School approached Jason Luthy ’06, who was working at the school, about developing a wilderness medicine training program to prepare coastal communities in how to respond during natural disasters, when emergency medical personnel are delayed. The two started Longleaf…

Gary Ferguson

Wolf Awareness Week Focuses on Yellowstone Wolves

…“It is a great serendipity that brought these two speakers together for what promises to be a thought-provoking night, during this week devoted to appreciating and thinking about wolves and wilderness,” said Timber Wolf Alliance Coordinator Adrian Wydeven. The two-part presentation will be held Thursday, October 15 at 7:30 p.m….

Peter Annin at beach

Openings Available for Water Wars Course

Register Now Peter Annin, veteran reporter and author of “The Great Lakes Water Wars,” will be teaching a course of the same name at Northland College this semester. Starting Jan. 14, his class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays in Wheeler Hall from 2:30-3:50. Registration for this course is open to the…

Northland College Dexter Library Interior

Library Services

This is the place where you can dig in and get your hands dirty. Use the forms below to access interlibrary loan, library instruction, course reserves, research consultations, room reservations, and faculty material requests….

Glass of beer sitting next to Cabbie's Tap logo.

Ten-cent Taps, Lasting Romance & Ida's Special Sauce

…We met at Northland as students and of course spent lots of time there. It was a friendly bar with wonderful sandwiches consisting of foot-long hot dogs and cheese directly from Monroe, Wisconsin. I probably spent more time and money than I should have there but I don’t regret it…


…on-campus orientation activities for you and your family Outdoor Orientation Experience ranging from five to eleven days First-Year Experience Course held over the first eight weeks of the fall term This orientation program is required for all first-year students and for transfer students with fewer than 24 transfer credits. For…

Rocky Barker presents

Journalist Rocky Barker ’75 Presented Aldo Leopold Award

The Wilderness Society presented Rocky Barker ‘75 the Aldo Leopold Award for Distinguished Editorial Writing during its annual governing council meeting in Sun Valley, Idaho, September 24, 2015. The award is given to editorial writers who articulate the importance of protecting American wilderness. Barker has been a tremendous influence in…

In Wildness and Wonder

…the Sigurd Olson Nature Writing Awards, while simultaneously developing and delivering new programs and activities.   Alan Brew has served as a faculty member in the English department at Northland College since 1999. His courses focus on American literature and nature writing, and he regularly teaches field-based courses in the…