Northland College will have revised academic programs beginning in Fall 2024. Some pages may refer to previous programs while updates are made to reflect our refocused offerings.
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Register Now Peter Annin, veteran reporter and author of “The Great Lakes Water Wars,” will be teaching a course of the same name at Northland College this semester. Starting Jan. 14, his class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays in Wheeler Hall from 2:30-3:50. Registration for this course is open to the…
Once you have registered online, there are two more steps. You will need to print and complete the registration packet and read the student handbook.
…We met at Northland as students and of course spent lots of time there. It was a friendly bar with wonderful sandwiches consisting of foot-long hot dogs and cheese directly from Monroe, Wisconsin. I probably spent more time and money than I should have there but I don’t regret it…
The Wilderness Society presented Rocky Barker ‘75 the Aldo Leopold Award for Distinguished Editorial Writing during its annual governing council meeting in Sun Valley, Idaho, September 24, 2015. The award is given to editorial writers who articulate the importance of protecting American wilderness. Barker has been a tremendous influence in…
…the Sigurd Olson Nature Writing Awards, while simultaneously developing and delivering new programs and activities. Alan Brew has served as a faculty member in the English department at Northland College since 1999. His courses focus on American literature and nature writing, and he regularly teaches field-based courses in the…
Interested in taking a class? Click on the Course Search link below to browse the current offerings at Northland College. Step 1. Use our Course Search feature to find something you are interested in. You will need to identify which term. You will not need to use the login to…
…at the Medical College of Wisconsin, and will total approximately $1.5 million. The first phase of the project was launched in July, and will support planning efforts for a five-year implementation phase. The Center will lead the evaluation of project activities, work with the Medical College of Wisconsin to ensure…