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Searched for: potluck and documentary screening mlk fbi
Christmas ornament that spells out PEACE

CUUF: Holiday Service

December 17, 2023, 4:00 pm7:00 pm

…will include holiday carols, an invitation to walk the contemplative solstice spiral, and a first-ever Religious Education pageant of The Race of the Birkebeiners. Please bring a dish to share for a potluck meal following the service. Join with the Zoom Client Follow this link to join. Meeting ID: 916…

Farm images and embroidery tools

Northland Class Taking Art Project, Film to Minnesota

…Saturday, May 14, with the 7 p.m. film screening of From Wisconsin With Love at the Minnesota Street Market. The film provides the perspective of the northern Wisconsin community that in 2014 beat back what would have been the world’s largest open-pit taconite mine in pristine forest on the shores…

Paulette Moore with her camera

Free Speech TV Premieres Moore’s Doc

and writer with Discovery Channel, National Geographic, PBS, ABC and other national and international media outlets. Moore collaborated with YES! Magazine co-founder and editor-at-large Sarah van Gelder to create this documentary from their footage and reporting from Standing Rock camps gathered in the fall of 2016. They chronicled activists known…

Marissa Olsen

Filmmaking to Impassion, Teach

…films under the direction of visiting lecturer Paulette Moore. Marissa continues to work with Moore outside the classroom on a documentary premiering in April. “By presenting images that the audience can relate to, film can draw on people’s emotions to create change and action,” Marissa explains. Marissa is looking forward…

Northland College alum Dan Norris at the Bridgeton Landfill site in St. Louis

Monitoring Atomic City

Environmental Specialist Dan Norris '05 on Bridgeton Landfill

As an environmental specialist with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources 2007 to 2014, Dan Norris ’05 directed over $1 million of long-term air sampling of the Bridgeton Landfill in St. Louis, Missouri—a long, complicated, and continuing environmental story outlined in the 2018 HBO documentary, “Atomic Homefront.” Filmmakers interviewed Norris,…

Glass of beer sitting next to Cabbie's Tap logo.

Ten-cent Taps, Lasting Romance & Ida's Special Sauce

…a bit. But there was a problem ― a Northland coed was perched upon it, legs crossed, dangling over the edge, effectively screening the pins from the heavy, chrome-plated puck that served as the bowling ball. I recall asking her to move, probably in the manner of any Eastern’er accustomed…

Stephanie Red Cloud Muise

Second at National STEM Conference

…the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) areas in the Native American student body in high schools, colleges and graduate school. “For us to start a new AISES chapter and have a student not only attend the national conference, make it through the initial screening stage for presentations, and then…

Northland College senior at powwow

Powwow to Spotlight Proclamation, New Dances

…Shawl Coalition participates in powwow outreach across the state and country to increase utilization of screening services and exams while also providing support for patience and education for the greater community. Organizers have also added the Switch Dance, another dance aimed at education. The Switch Dance remembers the high renown…

Lake Namakogan


We work to create a learning environment where you will feel safe, respected, and valued. Our goal is to encourage you to develop a well-rounded and balanced life including care for self, others, and the world. As the mental health resource for Northland College, this office provides free, comprehensive services…

Northland College alum Mitzi Peine paddling a canoe

From the Yukon to Cuba and Back

Mitzi Peine '14

…from the race due to a rotator cuff injury. Recently, Mitzi sailed to Cuba on a ship named, Wolf, with a captain who was returning to Cuba for the first time in over fifty years. A documentary about the journey, The Old Man and the Sea Return to Cuba, premiered…