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Jaguar in the wild - JaguarOsa


The Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute seeks to empower citizens with objective information about the environmental issues of the north woods, advance understanding of northern species through citizen science, and educate the next generation of environmental leaders. Please fill out the gift form below and select where you would like to…


…209 150 71.8% 233 181 77.7% Music: Content Knowledge 8 * * 9 * * Physical Education: Content Knowledge 12 9 75% 12 10 83.3% Professional School Counselor 86 79 91.9% 90 87 96.7% School Psychologist 89 88 98.9% 89 88 98.9% Social Studies: Content Knowledge 32 30 93.8% 38…


…and volunteer organizations.) 3. Explain how you plan to use your degree to pursue a career in public service, public administration, or government affairs. 4. Provide a brief 4-5 sentence biography of yourself. Describe your path of study, any extracurricular involvement, and your interest in a career in public service,…

Aerial shot of river flowing through Highway 2, following June 2018 storm

WPR: Northern Wisconsin Project Seeks To ‘Slow The Flow’ Of Stormwater

Local, State, Federal Partners Aim To Reduce Flood Peaks, Erosion In Northern Wisconsin

  Northern Wisconsin has dealt with three floods in the last six years that caused millions of dollars in damage resulting in federal disaster declarations. The region is seeing more frequent, intense rainfalls. For the last several years, local, state and federal partners have been trying to find ways to…