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Searched for: northland symphonic band concert 11523
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Course Catalog

Northland‘s online catalog can help you quickly locate details about class offerings and undergraduate programs….

Wolf Awareness Week 2023 Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 12, 2023 Contact: Melanie Michaels Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute 715-682-1489 Timber Wolf Alliance Presents Exciting Events for Wolf Awareness Week 2023 The annual observance will be October 15–21, 2023. Ashland, Wis., October 12, 2023 – The Timber Wolf Alliance at Northland College is proud to…

Bizhikiins NRB Appointment

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 9, 2023 Contact: Dawn Rivard Northland College 715-682-1812 Northland College’s Dylan Bizhikiins Jennings Appointed to Wisconsin Natural Resources Board by Governor Tony Evers Ashland, WI – Northland College is proud to announce that Dylan Bizhikiins Jennings, associate director of the Northland College Sigurd Olson Environmental…