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Liz White in cap and gown

Liz White: Student Commencement Address

Liz White’s quiet strength has not gone unnoticed. As a sophomore, she was selected by her peers to serve on the board of trustees. Since then she has served as president of the Northland College Student Association, was awarded the Student Life Indelible Mark Award “for her thoughtful leadership and…

GivingTuesday is December 3, 2024.


December 3, 2024

…helped you grow? Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) What is your relationship to Northland?(Required) Current student Alumni Current staff member Current faculty member Former staff member Former faculty member Friend of the College Chequamegon Bay area resident Other How would you best describe your relationship to Northland?(Required) What is your class…

Collage of historical photos of the Bro Family at Northland College

The Bro Family

A Century at Northland College 

…immigrants in Prentice, Wisconsin, whose high school pal was Kenneth Olson—Sigurd Olson’s brother. Kenneth set off to Northland College in 1912 and sent a letter to Albin, telling him he should do the same. Albin relayed the story of his arrival to Northland College at the 1945 inauguration of President…

Northland alum fish geneticist holds up fish

Ackerman Brothers Pursue Fish Biology, Genetics

…an internship for the Department of Fish and Game in Idaho. The internship taught Mike a number of things, but most importantly how to stay afloat. “Before Northland, Mike couldn’t even swim a stroke,” Barb said. “Then, he just decided to spend a whole summer snorkeling in the rivers of…

Northland College Buttons

Q&A with Helen Pent Jenkins, class of 2008

Northland, and the fall out of the 2008 financial crisis. TRAVIS: How did you decide to attend Northland College? What factors influenced your decision? HELEN: I chose Northland for a few different reasons. I really loved the small college population, the student-to-staff ratio, and the rural character of Ashland. I…

Outdoor Orientation

…you become acclimated to Northland College, prepares you for the first day of classes, offers a great chance to meet other new students, and answer any questions you have about living at Northland. OO experiences include everything from backcountry expeditions to urban exploration. Make sure you register for your trip…

Sigurd Olson Articles

Some of these articles were published in 1951 in North Country Magazine. Sigurd also wrote a couple of hundred short sketches for newspapers; he wrote a few between 1937 and 1939, but most were from 1940 to 1943, and were syndicated to a number of newspapers, mostly in the Midwest.

Sunset at Forest Lodge

Changing Climate, Changing Culture

Student-Led Conference at Forest Lodge

Northland College Student Association vice president to expose as many students as possible to the benefits of becoming involved with the Citizens Climate Lobby. Ideally, Fisher would like to see three-to-five Northland College students active in the local chapter. “This weekend we initiated the steps to really achieve these goals…