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Searched for: mens cross country at regional championships 111123

SONWA-PressTemplate-2021 recipients

…Zuckerman (The New Press, 2021). Seed to Dust: Life, Nature, and A Country Garden, Marc Hamer (Greystone Books, 2021). The Porch: Meditations on the Edge of Nature, Charlie Hailey (University of Chicago Press, 2021). SONWA Children’s Winner: Ocean Soup: A Recipe for You, Me, and a Cleaner Sea, Meeg Pincus,…


…a bold new mission and made history in 1974 as the first college in the country to fully integrate an environmental focus with its liberal arts curriculum. Today, Northland College is a powerful and intimate learning community of about four hundred students from across the United States and beyond. ###…

KIS Transition 10 20 22 [Release Only]

…arts college located just blocks away from Lake Superior in Wisconsin’s north woods. Founded in 1892 in Ashland, Wisconsin, the College adopted a bold new mission and made history in 1974 as the first college in the country to fully integrate an environmental focus with its liberal arts curriculum. ###…

Northland College 2023 Commencement Press Release

…a bold new mission and made history in 1974 as the first college in the country to fully integrate an environmental focus with its liberal arts curriculum. Today, Northland College is a powerful and intimate learning community of about five hundred students from across the United States and beyond. ###…

Burke Center Fish Creek Phase 3 Release

…a bold new mission and made history in 1974 as the first college in the country to fully integrate an environmental focus with its liberal arts curriculum. Today, Northland College is a powerful and intimate learning community of about five hundred students from across the United States and beyond. ###…

Wolf Awareness Week 2023 Release

…a bold new mission and made history in 1974 as the first college in the country to fully integrate an environmental focus with its liberal arts curriculum. Today, Northland College is a powerful and intimate learning community of about five hundred students from across the United States and beyond. ###…

Special Student Registration Form

Student Information: Last Name First Name M.I. Social Security # Citizen of: Birthdate – – – – Required for registration Country (ex. USA) Month Day Year – – – – Home Address: Street City, State, Zip Citizenship Status: Race ( Select all that apply): Ethnicity: US Citizen American Indian/Alaska Native…

Northland College Sisu Promise Press Release

…a bold new mission and made history in 1974 as the first college in the country to fully integrate an environmental focus with its liberal arts curriculum. Today, Northland College is a powerful and intimate learning community of about five hundred students from across the United States and beyond. ###…


Great Lakes Wolf Symposium Abstracts October 15-17th, 2024 Northland College Ashland, WI 1 Movement Ecology of Gray Wolves in the Western Great Lakes Region Alejandra Zubiria Perez, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA, Shannon M. Barber-Meyer – Research Department, Pacific Whale Foundation, Wailuku, HI,…

FinalGreat Lakes Science for Parks Symposium 2023 Booklet

regional National Parks -Sarah Hoy – The influence of changing climate on the health of moose populations in Isle Royale National Park 15:50 Break 16:00 Aquatic Habitats -Laura Bourgeau-Chavez – Detecting and Mapping Vernal Pools in National Parks of the Great Lakes Basin -Samantha Kurkowski – Mapping and Characterization of…