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Searched for: giving day
Northland College Food Center Director Todd Rothe stands in front of the composting machine.

Northland College Wants Your Leftovers

Community Compost Program

…college can produce. The answer, Northland Food Systems Manager Todd Rothe said, is to open the composting program to the entire Ashland community. “The new machine that we installed here two years ago is big enough for us to put in one ton of material a day,” he said. “It…

Alumnus Henry Fitzgibbon performs on stage at Northland College

Henry Fitzgibbon ’51 On Broadway

A Life in the Arts

With one trio, two duets, two solos and pages of dialogue, the Captain in Gilbert and Sullivan’s H.M.S. Pinafore is considered one of the largest roles ever written for an actor. And one Saturday afternoon in 1954, twenty-something Henry Fitzgibbon ’51, found out with no time to prepare, that he…

Northland College Philanthropists of the Year

Hagstroms Awarded Northland College Philanthropists of the Year

…Northland College. With their son, Brian as the architect, the Hagstrom family created Blue Wave on the Bay, now Freehands Lakeside, and opened in 2015. Beth Hagstrom spent nearly every day there for two years, running the hotel, restaurant, and retail space. Beth and Jim Hagstrom donated the property and…

Film class and wild rice parching

Filmmaker, Students Document Harvest

…said Moore. “I felt it represented the biggest issues of our day. What I saw was about extraction and contamination, but also about resilience and envisioning. It wasn’t just a resistance camp, it was about exploring new ideas of economy and giving people a space to be in touch with…

Robin Wall Kimmerer at commencement

“We can’t just change light bulbs, we have to change hearts”

Commencement 2015 BY Sara Chase, For the Ashland Daily Press “Commencement—it doesn’t sound like an ending it sounds like a beginning,” said Northland College President Dr. Michael A. Miller Saturday in his greeting at the college’s commencement for its 2014-15 graduates. The ceremony for Northland’s 112 graduates, their family and…

Liz White in cap and gown

Liz White: Student Commencement Address

…before you today. So when I was trying to decide what to share in my talk, I thought back to when I first came to Northland as a freshman four years ago. And to be truthful, When I first came here I didn’t like it. I didn’t know anyone. It…

Deer exclosure-Bayfield County

Wisconsin’s Disappearing Forest

Prof Sarah Johnson researches the botanical realities of deer browse

…northern forest with little deer pressure. Johnson is walking in the woods with me on a Friday afternoon in June for two reasons. First, because I asked her if she would show me the impacts of high-density “deer browse” on the landscape. Second, because further down this road is a…

NIck Smith at booth at Loon Days

My LoonWatch Internship

giving public presentations, communicating and organizing volunteers, educating the public about our loons, monitoring loons, and filling out data forms. I interviewed and accepted the position beginning in February. Now I can look back at what I have done. I presented at LoonWatch events like the Trout Unlimited Expo, lake…

aerial view of campus

Conventional & Unconventional Best Lists

Northland College is ranked in the top tier of the U.S. News & World Report’s 2015 ranking of best national liberal arts colleges, which was released today. National liberal arts colleges are those that emphasize undergraduate education and award at least half their degrees in the arts and sciences. U.S….