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Searched for: giving day


…click on the “Go to CASHNet” link which will take you to a page where you can purchase your parking permit. New students will be provided an opportunity to buy a parking permit during Orientation. Parking enforcement begins at midnight on the first day of class in September. Obtain a…

Blue Wave owners stand with retailers and with Northland College President Michael A. Miller

Blue Wave Owners Donate Building to Northland College

…will run Blue Wave Inn & Café, and what she is calling Freehands Lakeside. The Blue Wave Café continues to serve breakfast and lunch seven days a week. Freehands Lakeside is open for dinner Wednesday through Saturday. She will continue to operate Freehands Farm and greenhouse during the summer months….

Malcolm McLean

A Force for Good

…a partnership with Northland College to provide a paid internship for a Northland student—combining many of Malcolm’s passions. “Malcolm was tirelessly joyous. He lived life fully and dressed up for it like every day was a special day,” Miller said. “We will miss him but never forget him,” Miller said….

Gary Ferguson

2014 SONWA Winners Announced

Northland College announced today for Earth Day their choices for the best in nature writing this past year. Three authors have been selected to receive the Sigurd F. Olson Nature Writing Award (SONWA) for adult, young adult, and children’s literature. Established in 1991, the SONWA honors the literary legacy of…

wolf laying down

Learn About Wolves

This section is a great place to begin learning all about wolves. Information in this section will start with the basics of wolves around the world and carry you through more advanced publications.

Northland College campus

Resident Behavior

The primary responsibility for behavior rests with the individual resident. Consideration and tolerance of others is a minimum requirement in on-campus housing settings. Fines may be assessed and/or disciplinary actions may be taken against individuals who do not follow campus and residential building policies.