About the DEIS Initiative
…do you see in this picture? (allow for answers). What differences do you see? (state some of the information below as they come up as answers). Nose to tail Wolves: 5-6 feet, 50-100 lbs (female slightly smaller…. Average M: 80lbs F: 70 lbs) Coyote3.5-4.5 feet, 25-45 lbs Height Wolf: 27-33…
…C. (2017). Benefits of participation in campus recreation programs: A literature review, Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership, 9(1), 15 – 25. Andre, E. (2013). Review of the book Beyond Learning by Doing: Theoretical currents in experiential education, by J. W. Roberts. Journal of Sustainability Education, 5. Andre, E….
…82,804 2017 57,588 25,909 82,359 2018 57,054 25,338 81,104 2019 56,681 25,437 80,818 2020 56,863 26,200 81,811 2021 56,249 25,764 81,033 Educator Preparation Program Report and Workforce Analysis 28 Retirements The best retirement data available comes from the Department of Employee Trust Funds (ETF). Each year ETF publishes data on…
Kanopy, a video-streaming platform, was established to provide academic institutions with essential films that foster learning and conversation. In 2022, Kanopy rolled out KanopyBASE, a multidisciplinary, academic subset of ten thousand titles out of the thirty thousand hosted on the Kanopy platform. Dexter Library has access to the KanopyBASE films,…
Great Lakes Wolf Symposium Abstracts October 15-17th, 2024 Northland College Ashland, WI 1 Movement Ecology of Gray Wolves in the Western Great Lakes Region Alejandra Zubiria Perez, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA, Shannon M. Barber-Meyer – Research Department, Pacific Whale Foundation, Wailuku, HI,…