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Northland College students help build a section of the Ice Age Trail.

Students, Faculty Add Muscle to Ice Age Trail

Northland College Assistant Professor of Geoscience Dave Ullman and four students worked alongside other volunteers for a weekend in October to help continue the 1200-mile Ice Age National Scenic Trail. “Northland students have a passion for their study of the natural world, while also seeking out ways to have a…

Crane beak

Saving Cranes

Senior Mary Sellars Interns at the International Crane Foundation

…along their flyways. “My ultimate goal is to continue in zoological and wildlife medicine to address the complex issues facing animals globally as we near what many scientists have deemed ‘the sixth mass extinction,’” Sellars said. “If it weren’t for my amazing opportunities throughout my undergraduate career at Northland working…

Robert Rue Parsonage and Ruth Lull with sons at Northland College 1980s

Embracing the North

A cross country move, thirty-three years in the making.

Sigurd Olson leaning on tree

12 Personal Items of Sigurd Olson

At the Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute

…in the Explorers Club, American Canoe Association, and Northland College Alumni Association. The John Burroughs Award. A map of the Boundary Waters printed on cloth. Snowshoes. On January 13, 1982, Sig died of a heart attack while snowshoeing near his home, leaving a note in his typewriter, still at his…


…Press Andre, E. (2020). Northland Connections: Embrace the outdoors—with care,” Ashland Daily Press Andre, E. (2019). Northland Connections: Best medicine is free in the Northwoods, Ashland Daily Press Andre, E. (2019). Family History, Writers Read, Wisconsin Public Radio Andre, E. (2009). Raising Green Kids. Do It Green! Magazine. Minneapolis, MN…