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Searched for: springtime sings anna marian album release concert
Peter Annin, Great Lakes Water Wars, Lake Superior

Annin Book Tour Scheduled

The Great Lakes Water Wars, Second Edition

Island Press will release the second edition of Peter Annin’s The Great Lakes Water Wars later this fall. The Great Lakes Water Wars, originally released in 2006, is considered the definitive work on the Great Lakes water diversion controversy. In this new and expanded edition of the book, Annin explores…

Four Northland College students sit in a boat with survey equipment

The Life Aquatic of the Penokee Hills

Students Survey Fish Populations

…nest in a nearby tree. The boat creeps into the shoreline vegetation. The eagle takes flight. The crew jumps into action, splashing into the waist-deep water in waders, and methodically working their way through the net. They analyze, record, and release bluegill, perch, shiners, brown bullheads, crappie, and one painted…

Isle Royale

Isle Royale Wolves, Another Perspective

…on the options presented in the EIS. The “preferred alternative” in the EIS is to trap from Canada and release twenty to thirty wolves onto the island over a three-year period. Many scientists and natural resource managers support reintroduction of wolves to Isle Royale. But Tim Cochrane a retired Park…

Crane beak

Saving Cranes

Senior Mary Sellars Interns at the International Crane Foundation

…Crane chick check-ups, medical procedures with the birds under anesthesia, and general hematology and fecal analysis. The International Crane Foundation, located in Baraboo, Wisconsin, plays a leading role in the conservation of Whooping Cranes, from managed breeding and release programs to habitat protection, citizen education and engagement, and threat reduction…

Northland College alumnus Ed Morales goofs around with kids

Collaborative Problem Solving for Kids

Ed Morales '10

…Public Schools in Minnesota. “As a single foster parent of two amazing sisters, Ed has put collaborative problem solving to the test in his own home and credits the approach with maintaining peace and stability through even the most turbulent times,” the school wrote in a press release. Morales earned…

wolf head

Doug Smith: Lessons from Yellowstone

…of planning and preparation, fourteen wolves were captured in Alberta, Canada, then released into Yellowstone January 12, 1995. The next year, seventeen British Columbia wolves were reintroduced. In 1997, ten more from northwest Montana were released for a total of forty-one wolves in three years. Yellowstone’s new wolf era was…

Image of Flooding Globe and Mail

What did we learn from 2017’s floods in Quebec and Ontario?

Inside the politics of water

…past the dam, he noted, was a bit lower than average. Mr. Blanchard made note of it on a sleepy water management Facebook page where he was one of about five people active in the winter months. Wouldn’t it make sense, Mr. Blanchard asked, to release more lake water into…

wolf art

Wolf Conservation in America’s National Parks

…to Yellowstone in 1995. But when they did, it was with rigor, thoughtfulness, and to great success with the help of many partners. As told by wolf project leader Dr. Douglas W. Smith and co-author Gary Ferguson in their book, Decade of the Wolf, the forty-one wolves released into Yellowstone…

Northland Volleyball student athlete

Student Athlete Handbook

This guide offers an overview and links to some of the most important policies and rules related to student-athletes. However, it does not replace or supersede the official Northland College Handbook—which provides the complete text of all College policies—or actual UMAC, NCHA, WIAC and NCAA rules and regulations. This handbook…

Purified Book Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE—November 9, 2023 Contact: Valerie Damstra, Operations Manager Mary Griggs Burke Center for Freshwater Innovation 715-682-1261 Mary Griggs Burke Center for Freshwater Innovation Announces Release of “Purified: How Recycled Sewage Is Transforming Our Water” by Peter Annin Ashland, Wis., November 9, 2023—The Burke Center for Freshwater Innovation,…