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President Miller and Mary Trettin read books

One Community, One Read

…a “global read” by the Charter for Compassion Global Book Club, to be discussed virtually in the Alvord Theatre on Saturday, October 22, 2016, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. “This is an ideal opportunity to bring together students, staff, faculty, and the broader community to read one book in…

Northland College student plays golf.

Gilligan Personifies "Student-Athlete"

…as electro-fishing and the American Fisheries Society (AFS)—a club in which she has served as an officer. Balancing academic coursework, several field work experiences, involvement in clubs and countless hours of team practices has been a challenge that Gilligan hasn’t shied away from. “When you have a lot going on,…

Red canoe on a lake

Keep Wilderness Act's Flame Burning Bright

…judgment of what is best for wild places. In the end, organizations like The Wilderness Society, Sierra Club and Izaak Walton League successfully rallied public support as Americans’ concern for the environment escalated in the 1960s. The 1964 Wilderness Act established the National Wilderness Preservation System and set aside an…

Tom Fitz looking at rock

The Penokees are a Geologic Gem

University Place: The Complex Story Behind ‘Some Of The Oldest Rocks In Wisconsin’

In a July 27, 2016, talk hosted by the Lafayette County 4-H club, recorded for Wisconsin Public Television’s University Place, Tom Fitz, associate professor of geology, delved into how the Penokees—“some of the oldest rocks in Wisconsin”—took shape. He explored the processes that formed the complex layers of rock making…

Northland College alum Kinsey Neal standing in Lake Superior

Be Bold, Be Radical, Be Respectful

Kinsey Neal '18 on Leadership and Pushing for Change

…should absolutely take advantage of that. There are so many different kinds of leadership, and at Northland, there is space for all of them to shine. It’s just as important to help underclassman find their way to the CSE as it is to start a club or join NCSA. You…

Four Northland College students sit in a boat with survey equipment

The Life Aquatic of the Penokee Hills

Students Survey Fish Populations

Northland College senior Megan Mader inches a jon boat into the vegetation near shore at Galilee Lake, a shallow, 212-acre lake with a handful of cabins dotting the shoreline. Mader is conducting research on fish communities to learn more about the lakes of the Penokee Hills, located an hour southeast…

Northland sign

Moore to Speak at 105th Commencement

…Great Tide Rising has been chosen as a “global read” by the Charter for Compassion Global Book Club. People around the world are invited to read the book—then come together virtually for a conversation on October 22, 2016. Northland College has also chosen Great Tide Rising for a One Campus,…

Northland Volleyball student athlete

Student Athlete Handbook

This guide offers an overview and links to some of the most important policies and rules related to student-athletes. However, it does not replace or supersede the official Northland College Handbook—which provides the complete text of all College policies—or actual UMAC, NCHA, WIAC and NCAA rules and regulations. This handbook…