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Searched for: native american heritage month feast indigenous foods and music
President Miller helping at STAR camp

Community Outreach

From on-campus youth classes to cultural workshops to tribal educational fairs, the ICC staff provide community outreach throughout the region. We serve as a resource to students and indigenous groups. If you are interested in these or other outreach activities, click on contact us below. tabling at tribal educational fairs…

Northland College student

"A Dreamer and a Doer" Cleans the Ravine

By Sean Devlin, ’15 Northland College forestry student Tim Koski is on his way to making the campus Bay City Creek ravine look like it should. Since March, Koski has been working on his senior project identifying and removing invasive species that pose a threat to the native plants in…

Apostle Islands

External Scholarships

Many scholarships and grants are offered by private sources, such as fraternal and religious organizations, labor unions, professional associations, social groups, and ethnic associations. Because they are private and therefore not administered by Northland, it is up to you to research and apply for them on your own. The best…

Earth Day badge over night sky

Happy Birthday, Earth Day!

…was chosen as the event name. Not everyone cheered. The right-wing John Birch Society and anti-communists worked to undermine the event that they saw as an attempt to honor Communist leader Vladimir Lenin’s 100th birthday on the same date. “Subversive elements plan to make American children live in an environment…

The Chequamegon Food Coop at night.

The Language of Local Foods

Meagan (Wilson) Van Beest ’97 manager at CFC

…management. She’s watched as the language of local foods moved into the region in the early 2000s and hit its stride in 2012, the same time she accepted a position at the co-op, managing the marketing and public relations. The food co-op signed the Superior Compact that year, committing to…

Bad River Wellbriety 2024 Round Dance

March 1, 2024, 4:00 pm8:00 pm

Come join us for the Bad River Wellbriety 2024 Round Dance, sponsored by Bad River Tribal Programs! Food and craft vendors will be present, and there will be raffles and spot dances, as well. This event is free and open the public. Event Schedule 4 p.m. Feast and Singing Contest…

Northland College alum Carl Sacks looks at GIS with students

Mapping for a Better World

Created "The Black Snake in Sioux Country" Map

…topo maps. They’re part of the Public Lands Survey System, which was created by the Land Ordinance of 1785. Usually, there’s nothing on the ground where those lines are on the map. But those lines empowered white settlers to turn land that Indigenous people didn’t think of as ownable into…


The Latest REFund Projects

…towers we can provide fresh items thru the winter months when we don’t have much available. The benefits: By providing more local foods during the winter months, teaching people about hydroponic growing, and allowing more people to take part in the growing process. It would be great to see others…

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