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Searched for: 21
Graduates celebration at commencement

Consumer Information

Northland College is a private, non-profit liberal arts college with a progressive focus on the environment and sustainability, located in Ashland, Wisconsin. Per the U.S. Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) and other federal regulations, Northland College discloses information about the College ranging from athletic, academic, financial aid, security, graduation rates,…

Education Major Danon Briggs


You know your favorite teachers, the ones who made a difference? If you’re reading this, we’re guessing that you want to become one of those teachers. Whether you want to teach elementary or high school students, Northland College can help get you there. We offer certification in Elementary/Middle Education and…

Northland College Baldwin Commons


Northland College is proud to have a strong local foods initiative. We’re already half way to our goal of having eighty percent of the food served on campus supplied from local sources. We have built the Hulings Rice Food Center to help reach that goal. Currently nearly twenty farms and…