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Searched for: employer in the foyer network with uw extension 102523
Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute at Northland College

[CANCELLED] Wild California and the Antiquities Act

April 8, 2024, 7:00 pm8:30 pm

This event has been cancelled. The 2024 Sigurd Olson Lecture will explain the use of the Antiquities Act as a land preservation tool using the history of national monuments in California. National monuments have a nearly one-hundred-year history in the state and have been essential in establishing a statewide network

Northland College alum Jennifer Granick

Veterinarian & Prof of Small Animal Internal Medicine

Jennifer Granick Hometown: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Majors: biology and writing with minor in chemistry ‘98 Occupation: veterinarian, assistant professor of small animal internal medicine Employer: University of Minnesota, College of Veterinary Medicine What I do: Teach medicine veterinary students, interns and residents. Perform basic science research on alternatives to antibiotic therapy…

girl posing with Smokey the Bear

Fed Jobs Just Got Easier

…Craig said. “Of all the internships, the federal system hires — they are the nation’s largest employer.” The Northland College Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute Executive Director Mark Peterson, who is assisting Craig in administering the program, noted that Northland is an ideal institution for the partnership. “Our long-standing focus on…


Alumnus Karl ’04 oversees outdoor therapeutic program

Healing Through a Lense

…and the interpretation will be student-driven,” says Dr. Toben Lafrancois, co-director for the program. The stories and photographs will later be shared at several local and state-wide venues, including a national conference on water conservation. The program extension is funded by the Wisconsin Sea Grant to involve more communities that…

Northland College student installing hoop house

Food Is Everything

Danny Simpson '18, Assistant Manager of the Hulings Rice Food Center

…He has been hired by UW-Extension to trial five varieties of broccoli, green beans, carrots, and potatoes. The position is funded by a USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education grant and covers two research seasons. “There is also a profound joy that comes from being a part of the process…

Straw bans? Composting buckets?

Wisconsin Campuses Adopt Dramatic 'Green' Changes

…enormous campus composter, which turns it into nutrient-rich fertilizer. Jenise Swartley, a Northland College senior from suburban Philadelphia who is majoring in Sustainable Community Development, one of the college’s top majors. She started a Food Recovery Network program to reduce food waste by sharing extra food not consumed with the

A student carries a large bag of their belongings in front of a residence hall on move-in day, and their parent is pushing a wheeled suitcase

What to Pack

We can’t wait to welcome you to campus. Know the steps to get you here. Housing & Meal Plan Housing assignments will be sent to your campus email throughout the summer. Know the different housing and meal plan options. Complete the Housing Survey Complete the Housing and Meal Plan Agreement…

Teacher with elementary students

Colleges of Distinction Recognizes Northland Educator Preparation Program

…advancement and extension of the Training Exceptional Educators (TREE) Clinical Residency Program. This partnership directly supports and impacts regional, state, and national efforts to increase diversity in the K-12 teaching profession as well as efforts in Ojibwe language revitalization by increasing the number of certified and licensed Native American teachers….

Students stand with award

Northland College education program recognized

…national conference in Tampa, Florida. This national award recognizes the community collaboration between Northland College and Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College in Hayward, Wisconsin, and their work to advance the Future Indian Teachers Program through advancement and extension of the Training Exceptional Educators Clinical Residency Program. This partnership directly…

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