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Searched for: wilderness medical associates wilderness first responder course 23
Travis Proctor

Fake News, Forgeries, & Frauds

Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Travis Proctor's New Course

Buckles: You created Fake News, Forgeries, & Frauds. Why? Proctor: Forged texts and fraudulent documents have long been a major issue for historians, and especially for those who study ancient religion. There have been long-standing debates, for example, regarding whether certain books in the Bible (e.g., 1 Timothy, 2 Thessalonians)…

Northland College senior Katie Tapper sits at a table.

What Do Fish Eat?

Katie Tapper ’21 catalogs the culinary quirks of Lake Superior fish.

Calico dragonfly. Photo taken by Emily M. Stone

Dragonflies and Emergence

Looking for the metaphor in the lifespan of a dragonfly.