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Searched for: mens cross country at regional championships 111123

Northland College Hockey Buckley Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 7, 2023 Contact: Scott Sorenson Northland College 715-682-1850 Buckley Returns to Lead LumberJack Hockey Ashland, Wis., July 7, 2023 – Northland College Men’s Hockey alum Shane Buckley is returning to his alma mater to lead the LumberJack Men’s Hockey program, Executive Director of Intercollegiate Athletics…

Northland College Baseball Fougner Press Release

…Niko. Northland College’s Athletics Department offers fourteen NCAA Division III teams in the sports of baseball, basketball, cross country, golf, hockey, lacrosse, soccer, softball, and volleyball. In the 2022– 23 academic year, 42.3 percent of Northland College students were athletes. Northland College is a private environmental liberal arts college located…