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Searched for: wrestling to join northland colleges sports lineup
Northland College students display chocolate hazelnut spread.

Business Management

You will have the opportunity to pursue two very different fields within business—business management and sustainable entrepreneurship. Both majors share a core of courses that provide you with a foundational understanding of economics, finance, management, marketing, and social responsibility. Business Management major In short, this major will prepare you for…

Collage of historical photos of the Bro Family at Northland College

The Bro Family

A Century at Northland College 

The Bro family at Northland College spans more than a century. The Bros have a rich history of adventure, lifelong friendships, love, connections, philanthropy, service, and finding one’s true calling. It is a story worthy of a book. Their Northland connection begins with Albin Carl Bro, the son of Swedish…

Northland alum fish geneticist holds up fish

Ackerman Brothers Pursue Fish Biology, Genetics

…in his decision to attend Northland, but everyone agrees that it was the right choice. Mike graduated from Northland in 2004 with a degree in natural resources with an emphasis in fish and wildlife ecology. “Northland put them where they belong—and now they both love their jobs,” Barb said, her…

Northland College Buttons

Q&A with Helen Pent Jenkins, class of 2008

Northland, and the fall out of the 2008 financial crisis. TRAVIS: How did you decide to attend Northland College? What factors influenced your decision? HELEN: I chose Northland for a few different reasons. I really loved the small college population, the student-to-staff ratio, and the rural character of Ashland. I…

Outdoor Orientation

…you become acclimated to Northland College, prepares you for the first day of classes, offers a great chance to meet other new students, and answer any questions you have about living at Northland. OO experiences include everything from backcountry expeditions to urban exploration. Make sure you register for your trip…

American Kestrels in Northern Wisconsin

January 30, 2024, 7:00 pm8:00 pm

…event—the talk will be held in the Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute at Northland College, and attendees can also join virtually via Zoom. Join with the Zoom Client Follow this link to join. Meeting ID: 912 8507 8713 Passcode: 087898 Join by Phone 312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 912 8507 8713 Passcode: 087898…

Sunset at Forest Lodge

Changing Climate, Changing Culture

Student-Led Conference at Forest Lodge

…and Northland College courses. “This conference was a great opportunity for us as Northland students to learn from each other. Our experiences are vastly different and we can bring so many alternative perspectives to the table as we talk about climate change,” Fisher said. Northland College senior Sarah Szymaniak said…

Photo from Standing Rock

Advocacy and Public Discourse

Our purposes as a college are to foster rigorous and independent scholarship by our faculty and their students, encourage free inquiry in the pursuit of truth, and offer our objective findings to the larger community. Northland College fulfills these purposes by safeguarding scientific inquiry and intellectual discourse so all voices…

Stack of books

Buy Your Books

Northland College partners with online bookstore provider, Akademos to provide student textbooks. Northland offers a virtual bookstore and marketplace that delivers course material to students at a reasonable price and in a timely manner. All course materials are organized by instructor and course name. Northland students can search by…