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Searched for: cuuf holiday service 2023
Forest Lodge Boathouse

Student projects save USFS $100,000, receive recognition

Northland College President Michael Miller, left, Assistant Professor of Outdoor Education Evan Coulson, middle, and Supervisor of the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest Paul Strong accept the Accessibility Accomplishment Award at a ceremony at Forest Lodge. In an unprecedented move, the USDA Forest Service for the second year in a row awarded…

Northland College Professor Joe Rose Sr.

Distinguished Service

Honoring Gary and Kay LaPean and Joe Rose Sr.

…Institute Saturday, Sept. 26 at 5:30 p.m. Gary and Kay LaPean will receive the Distinguished Service Award, which honors friends, alumni, staff, and faculty for their outstanding professional and exceptional service to Northland College, said Alumni Director Jackie Moore. Gary LaPean is a former College trustee and an active volunteer…

CUUF: “Indra’s Net—Reflections on Interdependence” and New Member Ceremony

May 5, 2024, 10:00 am11:30 am

…visit Beth Gehred will be this service’s lay leader. Join with the Zoom Client Follow this link to join. Meeting ID: 916 8704 2498 Passcode: CUUF Join by Phone 312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 916 8704 2498 Passcode: 324633 CUUF is a Welcoming Congregation and invites people of every age, race,…

CUUF: The Healing Power of Restorative Justice

February 11, 2024, 10:00 am11:30 am

…8704 2498 Passcode: CUUF Join by Phone 312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 916 8704 2498 Passcode: 324633 CUUF is a Welcoming Congregation and invites people of every age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, language, ability, religion, or cultural background to attend. For a complete description of the service and access information, please…

Northland College Diploma


*Updated May 23, 2019* Commencement will be held in Ponzio Stadium. Join us for the 108th Commencement ceremony and Baccalaureate service: Saturday, May 25, 2019. The Commencement ceremony will be held in Ponzio Stadium. Or, in case of inclement weather, the ceremony will be held in the Chapple Family Gymnasium….

Student and professor in wetland

Chasing Dragonflies for Science

…the National Park Service Great Lakes Inventory and Monitoring Network, NPS Air Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey, and the University of Maine. The U.S. National Park Service recently signed a five-year cooperative agreement with the College to hire students to assist in monitoring mercury trends in larval dragonfly in the…

Forest Lodge Woods

Mamie Parker: On Fishing Not Kissing

…talk to about those things that help me get beyond some of those challenges. Q. You have worked your way up through the ranks of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Talk about that process. A. The US Fish and Wildlife Service has worked hard to try to make people…

aerial view of campus

Northland College Recognizes Outstanding Educators

…Penner is being recognized for her work with pre-service teachers. “Mrs. Penner has hosted several pre-service teachers, both in Ashland and in Mellen and has consistently guided them toward high expertise teaching criteria, such as how to use assessment data to inform instruction and how to establish friendly and effective…