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Kanopy, a video-streaming platform, was established to provide academic institutions with essential films that foster learning and conversation. In 2022, Kanopy rolled out KanopyBASE, a multidisciplinary, academic subset of ten thousand titles out of the thirty thousand hosted on the Kanopy platform. Dexter Library has access to the KanopyBASE films,…


A collection of audio and ebooks curated for academic libraries, including academic materials, biographies, mysteries, thrillers, general fiction, self help, sci-fi/fantasy, and more. For help, read OverDrive’s Getting Started guide. Access is provided by WISCAL, Wisconsin’s Shared Collection for Academic Libraries….


…defines the gap between the most recently published issue and the date of the most recent issue available in JSTOR. The database is image-based, not text-based, which ensures the integrity of the materials in the database while also retaining the “appearance” of the journal in its original presentation. Read more….

Academic Search Premier

Multi-disciplinary database providing full text for more than 4,700 journals, of which 4,000 are peer-reviewed titles. In addition, indexing and abstracts are provided for 13,500+ titles. This scholarly collection offers information in nearly every area of academic study.