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Searched for: youth outdoor adventures grades 3 5
Northland Outdoor Orient Canoe Portageation


…rents outdoor gear to the College community and the greater Chequamegon Bay area using the Gear Reservation Form. From tents to trowels, canoes to Coleman stoves, and backpacks to bear ropes, we have outdoor gear options for every season and most group sizes. The Outpost is located in the lower…

President Miller helping at STAR camp

Community Outreach

From on-campus youth classes to cultural workshops to tribal educational fairs, the ICC staff provide community outreach throughout the region. We serve as a resource to students and indigenous groups. If you are interested in these or other outreach activities, click on contact us below. tabling at tribal educational fairs…


…Winter Travel & Living Skills, 5 semesters OED 409: Paddling Instructor Development, 1 semester (canceled due to COVID) OED 446: Wilderness Instructor Training, 3 semesters OED 470: Enduring & Emerging Issues in Outdoor Education, 5 semesters OED 472: Accident Theory & Risk Management, 3 semesters OED 496: Outdoor Education Capstone,…

Northland College alum Alex Alvarez

Climate Change and the Risk for Mass Violence

Alex Alvarez '85 leads the Genocide Resource Project

…also majored in outdoor education at Northland. Do you still use any of the wilderness skills? Although I don’t lead outdoor trips anymore, I still often use the outdoor skills I first learned at Northland. For many years, I was an avid mountain climber, while nowadays, I do a lot…

backpacking student

Outdoor Pursuits Events

…rents outdoor gear to the College community and the greater Chequamegon Bay area using the Gear Reservation Form. From tents to trowels, canoes to Coleman stoves, and backpacks to bear ropes, we have outdoor gear options for every season and most group sizes. The Outpost is located in the lower…

Forest Lodge Educational Campus Takes Shape

…will generate applied learning opportunities to enhance the College’s curriculum while providing meaningful learning opportunities for regional youth and adults. Last fall, Gingras cultivated a relationship with the Island City Academy, a project-based environmental charter school based out of Cumberland, Wisconsin. Outdoor education students in Coulson’s professional development program then…

Aerial view of winter ski trails on Northland College campus.

SOEI Youth Programs December Gathering

December 6, 2024, 5:00 pm7:30 pm

You’re invited! Join SOEI Youth Programs for a December gathering. We will have crafts, activities, snacks, treats, and a gift exchange! See what we’ve been up to this past year and learn about upcoming programs. This gathering is open to all previous SOEI Youth Programs participants and families. We will…

Student at poster session.

Welnetz: Science and the Back Country

…important to me,” said Welnetz, who majored in natural resources and minored in outdoor education. “And in my research with the Burke Center, so many things would go wrong—like the boat example—that I had to start thinking about all situations in a new way.” According to Watershed Program Coordinator Matt…

Young ladies in a canoe on a lake with fall colors behind them.

Youth Outreach Programs

…and by Merri V. Lindgren and Megan Schliesman, librarians at the Cooperative Children’s Book Center (CCBC); five breakout sessions that will focus on practical ways for educators to integrate environmental ideas through reading, language arts, and outdoor activities; hundreds of new books on display by the CCBC for review and…