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Searched for: loon ranger training workshop 2
Birch bark

Birchbark Basketry Workshop with Biskakone

October 15, 2024October 16, 2024

If you’re interested in making birchbark baskets, sign up for this evening workshop led by Biskakone! This is a two-day workshop meeting Tuesday and Wednesday, October 15–16, from 4 to 7 p.m. both nights. Registration is required, as space is limited. Participants must be able to attend both sessions. To…

Wolf laying down

Wolf Ecology Weekend

August 16, 2024, 7:00 pmAugust 18, 2024, 12:00 pm

…for the Timber Wolf Alliance’s Speakers Bureau. This workshop is open to any adult or student interested in wolves and experiencing them in the wild. Workshop fees include meals and all workshop materials. The program takes place at the Forest Lodge Educational Campus, a unique and historic estate nestled among…

2017 Loon poster Photo by Lorna Rohloff

Foot Waggling Loon Dad Cover of 2017 Loon Poster

A photograph of a loon dad and his chick won the hearts and minds of judges of the 2017 Loon Appreciation Week poster photography competition. Photographer Lorna Kane-Rohloff from Glover in northern Vermont, captured the photo during a mid-afternoon rowboat ride on a nearby lake. The judges said they appreciated…

Loon flying over a lake

Wisconsin Loon Population Survey Update

…the number of adult loons and loon chicks. If a volunteer did not see loons on the lake, that was valuable information too, and so noted. This is the only survey that gives us a big picture look at Wisconsin’s loon population, and the results will be used to estimate…

Northland College sign

Research Oversight

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews research studies to protect the rights of participants. The Northland College IRB requires that all investigators conducting research with human participants complete training with the National Institute of Health. If you have questions, please email the IRB….

Loon flying

The Uncommon Lives of Common Loons

…able to consistently capture and band loons. Since then over three thousand loons in northern Wisconsin received US Fish and Wildlife Service metal bands and color plastic bands. Each loon is fitted with a unique band color combination, allowing scientists to identify an individual loon’s behavior and track its location….

NIck Smith at booth at Loon Days

My LoonWatch Internship

…giving public presentations, communicating and organizing volunteers, educating the public about our loons, monitoring loons, and filling out data forms. I interviewed and accepted the position beginning in February. Now I can look back at what I have done. I presented at LoonWatch events like the Trout Unlimited Expo, lake…

Northland College alumnus Simeon Rossi standing behind bar full of lemons

From Ornithology to Loonshine


…distillery in Northfield, Minnesota, and released their first spirit in 2014, a young whiskey they named Loonshine. Whiskey allowed them to incorporate character and their own unique brand from the start. “This whiskey is wholly ours,” he said. Loonshine is made from locally-raised organic wheat and barley grains—instead of the…

2017 Loon poster Photo by Lorna Rohloff

[CANCELLED] Loon Ranger Training Workshop [In Person]

May 5, 2024, 2:00 pm4:30 pm

This in-person workshop has been cancelled. A free, virtual Loon Ranger Training Workshop will be offered at the same time (Sunday, May 5, at 2 p.m.) instead. Register for the virtual workshop. LoonWatch is hosting two training workshops (one in person and one virtual) for Loon Rangers. These training workshops…

Mental Health First Aid

October 14, 2024, 9:00 am4:00 pm

…give reassurance and information, and how to encourage seeking appropriate professional help, self-help, and other support strategies. This training is offered in a blended setting: two hours of online pre-work followed by a six-hour in-person day on October 14. Once the training is complete, you will receive a certificate that…