Campus-based New Student Orientation
…1969. The Associated Press and United Press picked up the story and newspapers across the country reprinted Nelson’s proposal. By October 10, Time magazine notified millions of American’s about the teach-in in an article titled “America the Befouled.” 6. Senator Gaylord Nelson made Earth Day bipartisan by picking Rep. Paul…
Northland College has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide online ordering of transcripts. You can order transcripts using any major credit card. Your card will only be charged after your order has been completed. Learn more about ordering an official transcript online. If you graduated after 2012, you can…
Read Sigurd Olson speaches from 1927-1972….
…Duluth, pop. 86,000, a seaport city on Lake Superior. Duluth posed a problem, regarding camping since there is forty-mile section without camping. Dahlgren had planned to stealth camp—waiting until it got dark to set up her tent in a park somewhere. But then she decided to call Russell and his…
Robin Wall Kimmerer’s Commencement Speech | May 23, 2015 Bozho Shaapodskae gizhkokwe ndezhnekas Anishinaabe Bodwewadmi kwe ndaw. Migize doodem, minwa mko ddodem. Migwech kine gego gamizhang. Let us begin with gratitude, for we are showered daily with the gifts of the Earth, the air of a sweet spring morning, pure…
…past the dam, he noted, was a bit lower than average. Mr. Blanchard made note of it on a sleepy water management Facebook page where he was one of about five people active in the winter months. Wouldn’t it make sense, Mr. Blanchard asked, to release more lake water into…
Whatever your interest, you can deepen and expand your education by studying off campus. This includes intensive, in-depth courses during May term, a semester at an EcoLeague school, or special courses at a partner organization. There is something right for you. Travel grants and scholarships are available. Learn more. Pay…