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Searched for: forest lodge meditation retreat sep23
Image of water

WPR: New ‘Freshwater Innovation Center’ Aims To Expand Great Lakes Research

…that Forest Lodge, which is just a beautiful place will have a very active program that will benefit not only Northland College but also the surrounding area.” The U.S. Forest Service obtained the Burke family’s roughly 900-acre Forest Lodge property in Cable in 1999 after Congress passed an authorization bill….

Forest Lodge Educational Campus Takes Shape

In 1999, Mary Griggs Burke conveyed her family’s Forest Lodge estate to the USDA Forest Service via the Trust for Public Lands. Situated on 872 forested acres along the southern shore of Lake Namekagon east of Cable, Wisconsin, the estate includes fifteen log buildings that are listed on the National…

Wolf laying down

Wolf Ecology Weekend

August 16, 2024, 7:00 pmAugust 18, 2024, 12:00 pm

…any dietary restrictions you have on the registration form. Lodging Lodging is available for this program. Attendees can choose to stay overnight at Forest Lodge inside (linens not provided) in shared rooms with bunk beds. Attendees are not required to stay at Forest Lodge. Registration for this event has closed….

Sunset at Forest Lodge

Forest Lodge Meditation, Chanting, and Yoga Retreat

May 23, 2024May 26, 2024

Relax and recharge at the Forest Lodge Educational Campus for a meditation, chanting, and yoga retreat. The schedule includes unstructured time in the woods, yoga, chanting, and guided meditation. Jodi Supanich will guide meditation, and Jenny Tumas will guide chanting sessions. Please contact Jodi Supanich at or 218-355-0049 if…

SOEI Youth Programs

Youth Nature and Art Forest Lodge Retreat

November 15, 2024, 4:00 pmNovember 17, 2024, 12:00 pm

…p.m. Arrive at Forest Lodge and Settle In 6 p.m. Dinner 7 p.m. Tour of Forest Lodge 8 p.m. Evening Activities (including art, bonfire, and games!) 9 p.m. Lights Out Saturday, November 16 9 a.m. Breakfast 10 a.m. Morning Activities 12 p.m. Lunch 1–4 p.m. Recreation, Games, and Fun! 5…

High school boy looking through magnifying glass at lumber.

Changing Lives

…This past summer we launched the Forest Lodge Natural Resource Academy, a weeklong session exploring the natural resources at Forest Lodge, an historic north woods estate nestled among 872 acres of majestic forest along two miles of shoreline on Lake Namekagon in Cable, Wisconsin. Students study tree identification and forestry…

girl posing with Smokey the Bear

Fed Jobs Just Got Easier

…on Lake Superior and is surrounded by the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest and has close ties with the Superior and Ottawa national forests as well as partnerships with multiple federal agencies. The 21CSC provides preferential status to students and veterans who have logged time in internships, volunteer or seasonal positions in…

woman rolling yoga mat

Yoga and Guided Meditation with Jodi

October 4, 2024, 11:00 am12:30 pm

Join Professor Jodi Supanich for a Yoga session from 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m., followed by a thirty-minute lightly-guided meditation session from 12:00–12:30 p.m. No prior experience needed, and students may stay for just one or both sessions if they’d like! Event for students, faculty, and staff only. No registration required!…