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Searched for: academics curriculum superior connections course
Stack of books

Buy Your Books

Northland College partners with online bookstore provider, Akademos to provide student textbooks. Northland offers a virtual bookstore and marketplace that delivers course material to students at a reasonable price and in a timely manner. All course materials are organized by instructor and course name. Northland students can search by…

Group walking on the beach

Northland College to Host Lake Superior Youth Symposium

Northland College will host a four-day Lake Superior Youth Symposium, April 27-30, offering a dynamic menu of field experiences, programs, presentations, and entertainment. The Symposium is a biennial event—this is the 12th—open to teachers and students in grades 8-12 throughout the Lake Superior watershed——Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and the province of…

Northland College Graphic of Lake Superior

7 Lake Superior Circumnavigations

Around the Largest Lake in the World by Kayak, Bike, and Foot

Circumnavigating Lake Superior is such a uniquely Northland College student experience. In addition to the Superior Connections program that includes a May trip around the lake, there are Northlanders who go on their own by kayak, bike, and even on foot. There’s no official ledger of Northlanders who have traveled…

Northland College students display chocolate hazelnut spread.

Business Management

You will have the opportunity to pursue two very different fields within business—business management and sustainable entrepreneurship. Both majors share a core of courses that provide you with a foundational understanding of economics, finance, management, marketing, and social responsibility. Business Management major In short, this major will prepare you for…

Liz Downey on bike May Term

Pedaling Around Lake Superior for May Term

…years as part of Superior Connections, a theme-based curriculum focused on the natural and human histories within the Lake Superior watershed. With only one month remaining before graduation, Downey and friend, Vanessa Van Cleve, pedaled through two countries and three states as they biked their way through thirty mph winds,…

Northland College Dexter Library Interior

Library Services

This is the place where you can dig in and get your hands dirty. Use the forms below to access interlibrary loan, library instruction, course reserves, research consultations, room reservations, and faculty material requests….