Sigurd F. Olson Journal Entries
The Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute seeks to empower citizens with objective information about the environmental issues of the north woods, advance understanding of northern species through citizen science, and educate the next generation of environmental leaders. Please fill out the gift form below and select where you would like to…
Some of these articles were published in 1951 in North Country Magazine. Sigurd also wrote a couple of hundred short sketches for newspapers; he wrote a few between 1937 and 1939, but most were from 1940 to 1943, and were syndicated to a number of newspapers, mostly in the Midwest….
These achievement-based scholarships recognize not only your academic ability but also a wide variety of other talents and interests. Scholarship funds are generously provided by alumni gifts, Northland’s endowment, and other contributions. All scholarships are renewable annually dependent upon meeting all continuing eligibility requirements. Academic Scholarships $10,000 – $19,000 ($40,000…