Materials Search
…13, 2012-Jan. 31, 2005: Threatened Mar. 12, 2005- Mar. 12th, 2007 Endangered Mar. 12, 2007 – Sept. 29th, 2008 Delisted Sept. 29, 2008-May 4, 2009 Endangered May 4, 2009-July 1, 2009 Delisted July 1, 2009- Jan. 26, 2012 Endangered Jan. 27, 2012- Dec. 19, 2014 Delisted Dec. 19th, 2014- Jan….
…do you see in this picture? (allow for answers). What differences do you see? (state some of the information below as they come up as answers). Nose to tail Wolves: 5-6 feet, 50-100 lbs (female slightly smaller…. Average M: 80lbs F: 70 lbs) Coyote3.5-4.5 feet, 25-45 lbs Height Wolf: 27-33…