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Searched for: nc sustainability
A view from Grand Island

Ensia: Can the Great Lakes Continue to Fend Off An Increasingly Thirsty World

A 2008 interstate compact prevents distant dry places from siphoning off Great Lakes water. But will the agreement hold up in the face of growing demand?

August 16, 2018 — On the rocky beach at Little Girls Point County Park in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, the heavy wash of Lake Superior seeking the shore rolls stones the size of softballs back and forth in the surf. The power and immensity of the lake seems immutable. If there…

Northland College students and alum prepare rain garden

Rain Gardens Provide Stormwater Storage

This past summer Nile Merton ’15 returned to campus to finish a project he started as a student, updating the rain garden at the Larson-Juhl Center for Science and the Environment. At the same time, across campus, junior Shelly Ray started plans for a rain garden for the new Hulings…

Northland College alum Abby Rose and her sister Yana Dee at Yana Dee Ethical Apparel

Thread of Hope

Making Fashion Ecological, Sustainable, and Just

Abby Rose Weglarz ’08 will be the first to tell you that the fashion industry is the second most destructive industry in the world, next to big oil. Fashion designer Eileen Fisher has said the same over and again. She’ll also be the first to tell you that the industry…

Northland College student repackage leftover food.

Students Combat Food Insecurity

As part of a new food recovery initiative, Northland College students have been collecting leftover food slated for the compost bin—pizza, soup, mashed potatoes—from Chartwells Dining Service on campus and they package and deliver it to a regional food bank. This initiative is part of a nationwide, student-led movement combatting…

Northland College graduate Olivia Anderson runs tests at the Burke Center lab

Summer Ideal Time for Gaining Professional Experience

Olivia Anderson, 2018 Graduate

Major: sustainable community development with physical planning and development emphasis, and natural resources with ecological restoration emphasis Hometown: Saint Paul, Minnesota Future Plans: sustainable design Q. What are you up to post-graduation? A. Short-term, this summer and at least into the fall I will be working for the Mary Griggs…

Northland College chemistry classroom

NSF Award Funds Sustainable Plastics Research

NC Receives $364,361 National Science Foundation Award

Northland College has received its first National Science Foundation award for research purposes. The $364,361 award will, in part, support Associate Professor of Chemistry Nick Robertson’s student-intensive research on the synthesis and chemical recycling of plastics. “The grant allows us to significantly build on what we’ve started—to provide students with…

Northland College student EmmaMarie Hamond

EmmaMarie Hammond’s Three Lessons for Making Change

Citizen's Climate Lobby Goes to Washington DC

Junior EmmaMarie Hammond said she has learned three things from her internship with the Chequamegon chapter of the Citizen’s Climate Lobby (CCL) in northern Wisconsin: 1. Things don’t happen overnight; 2. Respect is essential; and 3. Bipartisan is sexy. “Seriously. Bipartisanship is the next big thing,” she says. “We need…