Since graduating, Ed Morales ’10 has worked with more than one-thousand kids and a dozen schools in the Minneapolis, Minnesota-area as a school social worker, school-based therapist, community advocate and trainer.
In 2017, he founded Socorro Consulting to address gaps in quality mental and behavioral health support for young people, collaborating with school systems and youth-focused organizations across the Twin Cities to develop systems that better serve the most challenging kids in our communities.
Morales was recently asked to be the keynote speaker the Wings to Fly Conference, designed for practitioners providing skill-based support for children and youth, at Rochester Public Schools in Minnesota. “As a single foster parent of two amazing sisters, Ed has put collaborative problem solving to the test in his own home and credits the approach with maintaining peace and stability through even the most turbulent times,” the school wrote in a press release.
Morales earned his degree from Northland in peace, conflict, and global studies, a master of social work from the University of Minnesota in 2013, and a master of public policy from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs in 2014.
Morales recently accepted a full-time position with the Minnesota Department of Human Services as a Child Welfare Foundations Trainer.