Ashland native Tiffany Hudack played softball at The College of St. Scholastica in Duluth, Minnesota, where she was the assistant softball coach for two years. She returned home to coach softball at Northland in 2018.
What’s your coaching philosophy?
To stay positive no matter how bad or terrible the situation is. I really stand by our values as a program as well: be positive, hard-working, classy, supportive, and resilient.
Best moments as a coach?
When you can see in a players’ face they really understand a new skill or are getting better at something they were struggling with. You can see the tension come off their shoulders and feel a great accomplishment.
What are your hopes for the softball program?
To keep growing as a program and learning from one another to get better each and every day. We are a younger team and have come a long way since the fall. I am excited to see where our program can go with a great work ethic and drive from each player to improve each day.
Do your parents come to watch your games?
They attend all home games and as many away games as they can. Both of my parents come from larger families and having this large support system in the area is amazing. I am very thankful when I need help, they are all there to jump in any way they can.