Earned and Honorary Degrees
BS University of Wisconsin-River Falls
My professional background includes experience in business, higher education, and family law mediation. As for my personal history, I have been coming to the south shore of Lake Superior since I went to college. Over the years, this place has provided an anchor for my extended family and numerous outdoor and community experiences that have enriched our lives. I had to live here full time. This happened in the fall of 2019. My appreciation of Lake Superior and the special people here only grows stronger.
Why Northland?
Northland has a commitment to thinking differently and living differently with an emphasis on sustainability, the environment, and social justice. All of this is exciting and aligns with my world view. For me, work is not just a job or a paycheck. It is purpose and mission.
Student Involvement
Involving students in community outreach and community building is fun and reaps long term rewards. Also, partnering with business to provide economic opportunity for students is at the top of my list.
My hobbies include kayaking, snowshoeing, gardening, roller blading, reading, and writing. For about nine years, I have been active in an organization that provides emergency response care after a crisis or disaster. This includes gutting and repairing damaged homes, hospital visits, and home visits.